Elders knew a woman got raped- the woman presses charges but case was

by cognac 69 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cognac
    I'll get ripped for saying this, but has a woman ever said she was raped and it wasn't true? If there wasn't evidence and it's a "he said, she said" does it mean that it's really "she's right and he's a rapist anyway" ?

    Of course, but that isn't the point of this thread. The elders DID do an investigation and they did find him to be guilty...

  • UnConfused

    This just doesn't add up to me. He wasn't even a publisher and they "investigated" him?

  • cognac
    The elders aren't going to be investigating an unbaptised person - and how does anyone know this? She said so?

    I know that. She was baptised. They called the people who gave the party and I'm not sure who else because there was drinking going on... They wanted to make sure probably that the party wasn't out of hand and she didn't do anything to put herself into this situation...

  • UnConfused

    Well my point is that if the police found a lack of evidence and then the elders allowed this guy to become a publisher 6 months later it's pretty obvious that no one believed this woman. They in fact didn't find him guilty of anything and neither did the police.

  • cognac
    Well my point is that if the police found a lack of evidence and then the elders allowed this guy to become a publisher 6 months later it's pretty obvious that no one believed this woman. They in fact didn't find him guilty of anything and neither did the police.

    Or, you don't know what the hell your talking about... There were 2 sets of elders involved. It was his elders that let him get baptised. It was her elders that did the investigating... It wasn't that the police didn't believe her, it was that there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute... And, like I said before, her elders did find her to be innocent and him guilty and they said this to her. They also did speak with him, I forgot to say that in my last post, but that was part of the investigation... The problem is, if your passed out and don't say to stop, unless they find a date rape drug in you, there is not much they can do... The date rape drug leaves your system damn pretty fast...

  • UnConfused

    Out of curiosity if you are passed out how do you know happened at all? Yes you failed to mention two sets of elders were involved in the initial post. And could you explain how the elders could in this case find him guilty? What was their means of investigation? Did they simply ask him if he drugged her and raped her and he said yes? Is there ANY chance this was a case of "buyer's regret" on this woman's part? According to Wikipedia testing for a date rape drug is not problematic so it should have been there. I'm just saying Cognac that as far as scandals go this doesn't entirely add up.

  • cognac
    Out of curiosity if you are passed out how do you know happened at all? Yes you failed to mention two sets of elders were involved in the initial post. And could you explain how the elders could in this case find him guilty? What was their means of investigation? Did they simply ask him if he drugged her and raped her and he said yes? Is there ANY chance this was a case of "buyer's regret" on this woman's part? According to Wikipedia testing for a date rape drug is not problematic so it should have been there. I'm just saying Cognac that as far as scandals go this doesn't entirely add up.

    You wake up partially and don't really understand what's going on... The elders said that they caught him in a bunch of lies and called people at the party but they didn't say the details... I'm not sure if he admitted to anything, it seems that they may have just figured it out cause of lies he told... No, it was definately not a case of "buyers regret"... He's been after her. Her elders before this encouraged her to get a restraining order against him. She just didn't want to live her whole life being afraid of him, always looking over her shoulder... She could have just had to much to drink and to little sleep... I'm not sure... The doctors said that depending on the type of drug, it may have already been gone...

  • 5go
    I'll get ripped for saying this, but has a woman ever said she was raped and it wasn't true? If there wasn't evidence and it's a "he said, she said" does it mean that it's really "she's right and he's a rapist anyway" ?

    In Texas and North Carolina it's rape if she says it is period. You can be dismissed from a jury if you disagree with that. That is the law.

  • UnConfused

    No real need for any jurors in those two states for rape cases then. If you are going out drinking with a woman you should probably get a signed statement of the possibility of sex before hand....and better have someone witness it too.

    On the other hand let me make it perfectly clear I abhor rape and rapists and of course believe a woman has a right to say no.

  • cognac
    you are going out drinking with a woman you should probably get a signed statement of the possibility of sex before hand....

    What the hell is that supposed to mean??? In this case, for the record, she was already passed out well before she got raped...

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