Elders knew a woman got raped- the woman presses charges but case was

by cognac 69 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • UnConfused

    It means what I said it means. If you go drinking with a woman and the two of you get drunk and have sex she can say after it was rape. And in some cases it IS rape, in some cases it's buyer's regret, in some cases she could be one less impaired and be charged (I guess).

    My point is that when folks are OVER DRINKING to the point of PASSING OUT how the hell are you going to get in there and sort out who did what? Christ on a cracker, I doubt that someone that drunk was acting like she was at a tea party.

    So she's passed out long before the rape happened, why would he drug her and wait a long while? Did she check her watch before passing out and then again during the act?

  • 5go
    No real need for any jurors in those two states for rape cases then. If you are going out drinking with a woman you should probably get a signed statement of the possibility of sex before hand....and better have someone witness it too.

    Won't do you a bit of good the paper is meaningless. In fact you might be then accused of being a john as well. The jury system in regards to a rape case is little more than a formality in Texas. In fact it really is a case of law allowing a he said, she said argument to convict a man.

  • brinjen

    It's not uncommon for drugs such as gamma-hydroxybutyrate to be slipped into someone's drink. Sometimes they will affect the taste of your drink, other's don't. They can make you pass out, paralyze you, or both. Some will have no memory the next day, others will have a vague re-collection of what happened. It depends on the dose and the individual.

    That's not all, getting someone a stronger drink than they asked for is also considered to be drink spiking, as it leads you to consume more alcohol than you intended, which can have similar effects, again, it depends on how much and the individual.

    Anyone who spikes someone else's drink surely knows they're not going to get that person's consent. That makes it rape.

  • 5go
    Anyone who spikes someone else's drink surely knows they're not going to get that person's consent. That makes it rape.

    I am not talking about that in Texas and North Carolina a woman can change her mind mid act (or afterward) and it becomes rape.

  • UnConfused

    Brinjen, I agree in part with what you are saying. But what if folks are partying and things get out of hand, everyone is drinking and impaired, using bad judgment and then end up in bed. Does the fact that he might have mixed a drink stronger than she meant to have make him a rapist? IF it was his intent when starting out to overdose her with alcohol and then have sex with her, yes that could be rape....(but that is also what is going on in most bars after midnight every night.....)

    On the subject of this thread though, I don't see this as a JW scandal. What could the elders do in this case? I wonder why she didn't get into any trouble?

  • cognac

    She only had a few drinks but they were mixed so not sure if more was put in. But, that seemed like a long shot that that was it. She was suffering from exhaustion so the 2 combined maybe could of had that effect... I'm not a medical expert, but the doctors said that could be a possibility. She definately wasn't out of control... She was falling asleep at the party... She wasn't crazy...

    It took about an hour to get where the rape took place. That's how you know it's about an hour...

  • cognac
    But what if folks are partying and things get out of hand, everyone is drinking and impaired, using bad judgment and then end up in bed. Does the fact that he might have mixed a drink stronger than she meant to have make him a rapist? IF it was his intent when starting out to overdose her with alcohol and then have sex with her, yes that could be rape....(but that is also what is going on in most bars after midnight every night.....)

    On the subject of this thread though, I don't see this as a JW scandal. What could the elders do in this case? I wonder why she didn't get into any trouble?

    She wasn't out of hand. That was part of the investigation. The elders told her that people at the party said she didn't seem drunk at all whatsoever... She wasn't out of hand at all... (read my above post)... The reason it was a scandal is because he had a history of abuse and then this... They said that they new he was guilty. So, he shouldn't have been able to become a publisher and get baptised as soon as he did... Maybe they couldn't do anything in regard to the law, but to have one of there investigations and him proven by them to be guilty, it's crazy that they let him in the congregation so quickly afterwards...

  • cognac
    My point is that when folks are OVER DRINKING to the point of PASSING OUT how the hell are you going to get in there and sort out who did what? Christ on a cracker, I doubt that someone that drunk was acting like she was at a tea party.

    Well, if it was that cut and dry you would have no idea at all whatsoever... There would have to be very specific things that would of had to of happened in order for one to know that for a fact. In this case there were things that made it very clear that this was not a case of her consenting at some point during this. Because of very specific things that happened it was a definate case of rape...

    Also, if you look at my 2 posts that I just posted as far as her drinking to much you will see more clearly on the whole drinking thing...

    On a side note, unconfused, would it hurt you to much to simply just ask questions instead of doing so much assuming??? If your not clear on something, simply ask...

  • sweetface2233
    In this case, for the record, she was already passed out well before she got raped...
    She definately wasn't out of control... She was falling asleep at the party... She wasn't crazy...She wasn't out of hand. That was part of the investigation. The elders told her that people at the party said she didn't seem drunk at all whatsoever... She wasn't out of hand at all...

    Well, which was it cognac; did she pass out or fall asleep? There is a difference, you know. In my own personal experience, and from what I have seen of my friends, a person is obviously intoxicated beyond rational thinking WELL before being to the point of passing out.

    It took about an hour to get where the rape took place. That's how you know it's about an hour...

    Were you at this party checking your watch and witnessing the event? Is that how the elders know that he did indeed rape her, because there was a witness?

    You are confusing more than one poster here. Your story is all over the place and makes no sense. It's about as hard to follow as the 40+ threads you have started in your 7 weeks of posting of your "awakening" to the WTS.

    COAC (Crissy on a cracker)

  • cognac
    Well, which was it cognac; did she pass out or fall asleep? There is a difference, you know. In my own personal experience, and from what I have seen of my friends, a person is obviously intoxicated beyond rational thinking WELL before being to the point of passing out.

    I didn't know there was really a difference... She was falling asleep...

    Were you at this party checking your watch and witnessing the event? Is that how the elders know that he did indeed rape her, because there was a witness?

    You are confusing more than one poster here. Your story is all over the place and makes no sense. It's about as hard to follow as the 40+ threads you have started in your 7 weeks of posting of your "awakening" to the WTS.

    The whole point of this thread was not "how they found out". I have no idea why this is confusing... You guys were the ones that wanted all of the details and wanted to know the whole process of what went on. The point was that they new and let him get baptised very quickly after. THAT WAS THE ENTIRE POINT... And that was very clearly stated in my first post...

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