Elders knew a woman got raped- the woman presses charges but case was

by cognac 69 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • looloo

    i have been very upset reading some of the replys to this thread , may i point out that it is extremly rare for a woman or child to cry rape when it is not true , why on earth would you want to put yourself through a court case for no reason and be so humiliated on the stand . as the mother of a child that was abused but charges for her were not proceeded with due to lack of evidence , even though another two vicims came forward that did not know my child . every day we live with the injustice of him getting away with it , but the prosecution said they have to proove beyond all reasonable doubt that someone did a crime or risk a not guilty verdict which is even more upsetting after months or even years of waiting to get to court . i hate it when people that have obviosly never seen someone they love go through all that pain can spout off about it like they know what they are talking about , just imagine , your sister or daughter getting raped then people questioning her integrity to add insult to injury. i hope that lady gets justice one day , without anymore victims .

  • UnConfused

    looloo - how about you just imagine for a minute having a loved one be falsely accused by a woman of this? I'm sorry for your pain, but you don't have the corner on the market.

    And as an FYI it's not uncommon for women to use the accusation to deflect or create suspicion in cases of divorce and child custody in particular, as well as cases of unwanted pregnancies.

  • flipper

    COGNAC- I just wanted to add my 2 cents here.

    First of all I want to say to LOOLOO , I'm so sorry you experienced the deep pain that comes with your injustices that happened. I hope you get some healing in time.

    Now COGNAC- back to what you were saying in regards as to why the elders went ahead and baptized this guy who committed rape. I feel it's the same reason they keep letting pedophiles off the hook, and allow them to travel to different congregations re-offending , molesting other kids . It is all about OUTWARD APPEARANCE and looking deceptively like the fine, upstanding organization that they are ( not ). They want to give this facade of " we never have these problems " impression to the outside world, their members , and anybody else who sees. That and " information control" over how much the media is allowed to get knowledge of so as to protect the "facade" of ;looking like an upstanding religion.

    The witnesses have a nasty habit of protecting the "abuser " in cases of rape, molestation, and criminalizing the " victims ". By asking the victims stupid questions like ," Did you entice him ?", " What were you wearing ? " " Did you give the wrong signals ? " These very questions have in fact been asked of child abuse victims to make them feel they did something immoral to lure the bastard pedophiles. It is sick. So, I feel the elders approved this guys baptism to protect their hind end , and bury their head in the sand like they do in turning a blind eye to wrongdoing many, many times in other situations. Just to save face of an organization which isn't worth spitting on.

    They probably don't want the man going to the media making waves either. But the louder each of us are about the injustices they pull on victims of rape like this lady you mentioned , and when more experiences like this have a bright light shined on them , the Watchtower society will not be able to run and hide as much as they have in the past. The org. really does need to be brought down

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll
    If the society doesn't come forward then they should to be held in contempt for having with held information as I believe all JC are recorded for the head quarters especially with this kind of situation. So they are too quilty. Sue them I say.

    The law in California-- you call the Police they write a report, they do a test on you and it is up to you, what to do.

    The Cathalic Church --I think you guys know all about that ,with the little boys. What did they do they cover it up.

    The Baptist Church--- She was raped, they made her go up front of the Church people and ask to be forgiven.

    The Raptist went up front and he ask to be forgiven. They forgave him. I don't think she had to go up front, I think that is WRONG and the people cover it up. (They don't care about the innocent.)

    Just like JWS---- ( they Baptsed him so quickly,) after what he did. How could he be repentant so quickly? They don't care, they don't have to be sorry. They live with the injustice what was done. The Rapists will go FREE and the Elders are NOT GOING TO SAY ANYTHING. They don't want to put SHAME on there CHURCH. They are going to cover it up. Like the other Churchs.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    I won't rip you because that is a fair question. Only 2% of reported rapes are false reports. 98% of rape reports are true. If someone says they've been raped, believe it.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Rape is the only crime where the victim has to prove resistance. No one asks a robbery victim why they didn't fight back.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Women know upon waking if they have been violated due to soreness and stickiness. Anyone can tell if sleep was natural or drug induced, can't they?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    In the U.S., 15 out of 16 rapists never spend a night in jail. 98% of women DO NOT CRY RAPE!

    99.5% of children who say they were molested by someone were TELLING THE TRUTH!

    Just believe the victims.

  • dogisgod

    The guy probably "repented" to the elders and that erased anything on his slate. When he rapes his next victim these guys are going to have to know that they put the fox in the henhouse.

  • UnConfused

    Dove - what is frustrating is that I AM aware of false accusations and of ACTUAL rapes personally, but your stats .... how can anyone purport to know that 98% of reported rapes are true and 2% are false????? How the heck could anyone know such details?

    And frankly states such as "If someone says they've been raped, believe it." make it all that more terrifying if someone is falsely accused isn't it?

    I have doubts that most women here would want to admit it, but all you have to do as a woman is to make the accusation.

    In no way am I trying to cast doubt or aspersions upon anyone who has been raped or molested (and I'll confess right now I was molested as a young boy and reported it to no one), but not all women or all situations are believable.

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