Just got this email

by Cindi_67 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    A while back the Society sent out counsel about passing around unverified experiences via the internet. The implication was made that none of the internet experiences were true. I have to wonder when I hear stories such as this one. If anyone verified it. Or is it just accepted as true because it was said at an assembly By the DO?

    They're concerned about "unverified experiences via the internet" ... but unconcerned about unverified experiences via the litter-ature, or the "doctored" ones from the platform.

    Oh yeah, if it comes from the platform it must be true. I forgot ... my bad.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    That story is almost as old as the Bible Stories book. It was never published since it is a JW urban legend. I first heard it as a 3 year-old Korean boy who couldn't speak English, but would still readily learn a new language from new parents. They gave him the BS book at the airport and he started crying and the translator explained to them. I think I originally heard it at an assembly, too. Those things are great for starting rumors and relating exagerated experiences.

    Sorry Cindi_67, I hate to disappoint you if you were getting excited that JWs do have the truth and someone is listening to their prayers.

  • dawg

    I've heard the two big men stories and the rapist. I've never heard this BS story. Liars do what liars do, make up stories to keep their lies from being found out... I call them what they are, liars.

  • lrkr

    I've never heard this before.

    But... Does anyone else have a problem with the heartless nature of the story. A couple decides to make the world a better place by adopting....Then talks themselves out of it because obedience to the organization's demands take precedence over making the life of one child better. Then feel "oh so good" about the whole thing because the child was a JW.

    So, what if the child was an indoctrinated Bhuddist. No miracle??? They don't feel as good about it???

    "Besides, the kid will be in school all day long so we can continue to pioneer." Yikes!!! Sounds like something only a childless CO could come up with.

    If the story were true, I would think that most people would be embarrassed by it- not want to include it in a speech to 2000 people.


    How heart warming!..Another "JW story",just fell off the WBT$ "Giant Poo-Poo Wagon"..LOL!!................Dawg..Those 2 giant men show up every where!..They were even in Canada!..Everyone wants to rape JW women..So those guys are pretty busy!!..............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Quandry

    New ones will thrill to the story of the angel that protected the young sister at the door of the axe murderer.

    Wow!!! Back years and years ago when I heard it (and thrilled to the story by the way) he was just a rapist (just?) but now has progressed to axe murderer. The light is getting progressively brighter, I guess.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I checked with my "sources" and learned that the child was half-Vietnamese, half-Korean, and half-Cambodian. He had a very large mother.

    Unfortunately, the child and his parents left the Truth. They now professionally write Christmas greeting cards... and are very rich.

    Also, all the sisters involved with the rapist/axe-murderer tales also have left the truth.

    Happily, all the rapists and axe-murderers are Circuit Overseers... in Canada.

    Cheers, eh?

  • sspo

    Even if it's true, you could talk to any denominations and they have their 1000 's of stories of answered prayers.

  • VoidEater

    Pioneer and Billy: Thank you! My day is now complete with a chuckle (perhaps a non-PC one, but a good one nonetheless) -Void

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I think that Satan the Devil made this poor child go to these JW parents. Poor child lost his parents, and even though dealt a severe blow, had a chance to lead a happy life, living in the US, have a loving adoptive home, and be able to lead a normal happy life, as every child should.

    But... In comes the Devil, to curse this poor child more. He stuck him with another set of JW, anal retentive parents, probably worse than his real parents. What on God's earth, could a small child have done, to make Satan take hold of him, and treat him this way??

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