Just got this email
by Cindi_67 53 Replies latest jw friends
I got that email a few months ago. I think it's one of those stories that jw's tell to make themselves feel better about life.
I think any adoption agency would deny a child to perspective parents who want to cancel an adoption process in order to preach.
Also, regarding the rapist/murderer, how does the policy know that there was another girl the rapist didn't attack? It sounds like the police was watching everything. In that case, they could have stopped the crime in the first place.
That 'experience' has been circulating for some years.
I am surprised they haven't trotted out the 40 year disfellowshipment experience. The story goes: I man was wrongfully DFd but continued faithfully attending meetings, without making a fuss. 40 years later the error is rectified, when asked why he kept going to the KH even though he had been wronged, he replied "I knew Jehovah would reveal the matter give resolve in due season". The presenter usually then gives praise for him sticking to "Jehovah's arrangement" even when the adversity came from someone in the KH.
Ummm-hmmm, ummm-hmmm, sounds like b***s*** to me
Oh YUCK!!! Not THIS one again!! Honestly someone should collect all this bulls*** together so we can just pull it out and read it along with them when someone starts reciting one of them again!
This whole mentality, and not just from JW's mind you, annoys me to no end. Prayers answered that seem trivial compared to the major issues and problems in the world. So a boy gets to live with JW foster parents but a people are murdered and raped, war rages, entire countries starve... I just can't process it.
Praise god when things go right, but don't ever blame him for the sadness in the world.
Stuff like this is just urban legends, i remember on several occasions sisters (why is always seems to be them) wanted to get my opinion on a particular experience about i was able to logically descimate it and she agreeed with my analysis of it, this has happened several times but goies right over her head as she never gits it that they are making this stuff up.
It sounds a little far fetched, I think the adoption process takes quite some time. My Aunt adopted 2 kids it took over a year. You know how the Stories go over the years.
My favorite religious urban legend is the bottomless spaghetti pot story.
Snopes didn't have anything on this one.