Just got this email

by Cindi_67 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cindi_67

    I received an email from my sister in law. She was relating an experience given in a talk at an assembly. It goes like this:

    A young couple wanted to have children, but they couldn't conceive, so they decided to adopt a child. They went to different adoption agencies but they were told it might take years before they could give them a baby. They were told to try to adopt a baby from another country like Korea or Vietnam, that they might be able to adopt one sooner.

    If they were to consider an older child, maybe 7 or 8 years old, they could have one almost immediately. So, they submited the application. While all this was happening, JW's knocked on their door. They started a Bible study, quickly progressed and soon both got baptized, were very active and started pioneering. Because of this, they decided to wait until the "new system to have kids. They went to the adoption agency to explain their circumstances and to stop the adoption process. But they told them that there was a vietnamese child already on his way for them. The agency begged them to not cancel the process.

    Confused, they went home to meditate and pray over the situation and decided to proceed with the adoption. They thought that because he was older, he would be in school most of the day and they could go on with their pioneer service and see how things will work out.

    They got the house ready for the new arrival. They fix the childs room, bought a lot of toys and placed a copy of "My Book of Bible Stories" in his bookcase. Finally, the day arrived to bring the boy home. They showed him the kitchen, living room, but the little boy seemed to be very sad. They showed him his room, and soon, after looking around saw the book. Immediately he ran and grabbed the book, put it against his chest and started crying.

    When they finally got him calmed enough to talk, he explained that both his parents were Witnesses and when they died he prayed to Jehovah that if someone was to adopt him to please be Witnesses.

    (This experience was given in a Circuit Assembly in California. The District Overseer finished the talk saying, "Never think that Jehovah does not answer prayers, even those of little children." So when was the last time you put your heart into your prayers.)

    THE END.

    Any thoughts?

  • DT

    I don't know if this is a true story, but it is pretty old. I remember hearing it when I was a kid. It sounds a bit like a JW legend to me. You have to wonder why none of his congregation offered to take care of him.

  • Gopher

    A version of this same legend appeared on this forum last year.

    They aren't having many good new experiences, so they have to recycle old ones (whether or not they're true).

  • still_in74
    You have to wonder why none of his congregation offered to take care of him

    very good point. If he had no family someone would have taken him in....

  • sacolton

    It would be more realistic if the adopted child was a JW, so the parents became JWs (reluctantly).

  • Outaservice

    Sometimes these are referred to as 'Preacher's stories'! When no names or dates or places are mentioned, take it for a grain of salt.


  • Cindi_67

    Really? I've never heard it, it was a forwarded emai, so I don't know if she actually heard the experience or somebody else did and was sent as encouragement. I have a lot to say about it, but I'd rather have all who read it to comment on it. I'm pretty sure a lot will think what I did.

  • bigmouth

    This story gave me the warm fuzzies when I first heard it in 1982.

    New ones will thrill to the story of the angel that protected the young sister at the door of the axe murderer.

    Good point DT !

  • Cindi_67

    Ok, now that I know is old news, what do you think about it? Kidding!!!!

  • willdabeerman

    First I heard of that story. I call BS on it though.

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