Maybe, but that's not specific to JWs. Practically all Christian tradition has to deal with the fact that the "feminine" character of Wisdom (Hebrew chokhma, Greek sophia, both feminine) was incorporated (e.g. Philo) in the Greek notion of Logos (the Word/Language/Reason, masculine) which became a central part of christology in Hellenistic Christianity (e.g. John 1, to be read as a "he" of course).
Btw, a similar yet different problem happens with the "Spirit" which is feminine in Hebrew (ruach) and neuter in Greek (pneuma). Interestingly the "Spirit" is depicted as Jesus' mother in some sections of early Jewish Christianity, which of course makes little sense in Greek (otoh in the later strata of the Gospel of John we have an opposite identification of the Spirit with the masculine Paraklètos).