This behavior is against nature...
And cutting a skull open and performing brain surgery is completely natural? How about inserting a stent into someone's artery? Completely natural? Transplants? Laser eye surgery? All completely natural!
by looloo 63 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
This behavior is against nature...
And cutting a skull open and performing brain surgery is completely natural? How about inserting a stent into someone's artery? Completely natural? Transplants? Laser eye surgery? All completely natural!
The question of whether homosexuality is worse that pedophilia to dubs pales in comparison to what their ultimate horror is -- being CATHOLIC! Yes, the great harlot that rides that seven-headed beast! (Do they still believe that? -- I've been an ex-dub for a long time).
Hmmm. I think I'll say "yes" on brain surgery and "no" on organ transplants. Unless this was rhetorical?
A JW with homosexual tendencies won't get DF'd as long as he lives like a heterosexual.
is a homosexual as bad as a paodophile to a jw
Of course it is!
Nowhere in the Bible does it condemn pedophilia!
Biblically, all you have to do is pay the father, you can marry a five year old. This is within the bounds of biblical morality.
But there is no situation where you can marry someone of the same gender.
also billy according to God's laws pedophiles and homosexuals are condemned behaviors.
Where dose the Bible condemn pedophiles?
The question of whether homosexuality is worse that pedophilia to dubs pales in comparison to what their ultimate horror is -- being CATHOLIC! Yes, the great harlot that rides that seven-headed beast! (Do they still believe that? -- I've been an ex-dub for a long time).
Parakeet, last I heard the "great harlot" was not only those evil bastard catholics, but the entire "world empire of false religion".
To a JW nothing is bad, homosexuality, pedophelia, murder, theft, or anything else, as long as it's kept quiet so as to avoid tarnishing the glorious name of Jehovah's corporation.
darkunkle sorry im not swinging your way i want to meet Jesus with a clean consience so Satan in the name of Jesus get behind me!
ro, you left yourself wide open wih this statement!!!!!!
ro, you left yourself wide open wih this statement!!!!!!
Now I'm snickering and snorting, and the people in surrounding offices think I've lost it completely.
Real one wants to be spitroasted by Jesus and Satan?
Ooer. ;)
Depends on the context and who's speaking. Since in my history I was told that "everyone knew" my molester was a pedophile and did nothing, and indeed one witness (his wife) walked in on him in the act and did nothing, and we know that there is a rich store of pedophile names at headquarters and they've done nothing of substance (taking away some privileges while keeping the secret isn't meaningful action), I'd say the record on pedophile seems pretty lax. There seems to be Biblical support for heterosexual pedophilia.
I'm sure there are quite a number of JW folks that will, speaking from a theoretical or idealistic or doctrinal platform, say that all sin is ounishable by death. I'm sure most r/f JWs are profoundly disturbed by pedophilia, and I suspect that they are less emotionally disturbed by the thought of gay couples.
But the leadership at every level I can see, and certainly a number of r/f and other vested individuals, are perfectly happy to let pedophiles take a walk, hide in the shadows, and be protected from public exposure.
Just as certain, anyone (any one that's REAL) that has done research into Bible translation realizes that there is some degree of controversy regarding the scriptures typically used to condemn adult gay relationships - that these scriptures are likely speaking about pederasty and ritual prostitution, not adult gay relationships. The silence of the ten commandments and of Jesus on the subject is deafening.
DarkUncle says:
Que Banjo music...
"Play an accordian, go to jail!"
RealOne says:
This behavior is against nature
Nonsense. It is quite evidently occurring in nature. Where else do you think it's found? BTW: how long is your hair? I bet it's long - way too long - and we all know what Paul said about long hair on men - it's UNNATURAL!