What Will Your Children Be Doing April 25, 2008?

by freydi 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • real one
    real one

    proverbs 15:21 Stupidity brings happiness to senseless fools, but everyone with good sense follows the straight path.

  • real one
    real one

    fd now you want me to be quiet?

  • freydi

    None so blind as those who will not see.

  • real one
    real one

    proverbs 17:16 why should fools have money for education when they refuse to learn?

  • funkyderek


    None so blind as those who will not see.

    I'd be very happy to see. All you need to do is provide a smidgen of evidence for your claim that "homosexual behavior among boys at least is pure fallout from divorce" or I will continue to dismiss it as a ludicrous unfounded opinion.

  • real one
    real one

    proverbs 17:11 Cruel people want to rebel, and so vicious attackers will be sent against them.

  • ex-nj-jw
    IMHO, homosexual behavior among boys at least is pure fallout from divorce, which is also condemned, as mothers cannot teach boys how to be men.

    More riduculous B@$$$%it


  • Casper

    Real One...........

    You are right, "IF" you believe the bible... we are "All" sinners, as such, you are no better than anyone else. If there is a God, he will do the judging, NOT you, or any other human being..

    You are "Really" wearing this subject out.........


  • lisaBObeesa

    I can't understand why anyone would object to their child's school teaching their children to treat ALL people in a humane way and to not bully people because of sexual orientation! Isn't that a good thing to teach children? Clearly, they are not learning this lesson at home, so the school has to do it. It is the schools RESPONSIBLITIY to make sure that kids are not bullied and that kids are safe at school. Gay kids are very often the victims of verbal or physical attacks. Sounds like this school is not putting their heads in the sand and are actually doing something about this problem. Good for them!!

  • lovelylil

    Most homosexual people I know were raised by two heterosexual parents. Is there any proof that divorce plays a roll in sexual orientation? Please provide facts to back up such a statement. Lilly

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