Just my opinion.
Snakes ()
Isnt it nice we can agree to disagree & still love each other Snakes?
by freydi 67 Replies latest jw friends
Just my opinion.
Snakes ()
Isnt it nice we can agree to disagree & still love each other Snakes?
We are all PERFECT just the way we are! There is no sin. The only sin there is is the club that others want to beat us with just to control us. We are all here to learn our life lessons and move on. We are not all here to learn the same lessons, though. Some of us have already learned the life lesson on how to get along with others in love and respect, and some have not learned that, yet. They will eventually learn this as Karma will see to it. I believe in the possibility of what I've said.
I wonder how many school age children have been murdrered for being fat or cross eyed or because they are small in stature. I haven't heard of any. How many children become adults that bully fat or cross eyed people?
I love you guys.
Say, maybe we can all get together later and go club some baby seals.
In response to your comment to me Real One,
In that vain then, the sciptures also say, " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", you know the "golden rule" thing. Is this really how you would like to be treated...??????????????????????????????
I am not arguing back and forth with you, I have said how I feel.. and so have you....
Just live and let live...
there is much more to "a day of silence" than a social agenda..... a school made safer for ANY student is a school made safer for ALL students
According to a 2004 national poll commissioned by GLSEN, approximately 5% of America's high school students identify as lesbian or gay or roughly 3/4 million students nationwide. This percentage would translate to, on average, every classroom in America having at least one student who identifies as lesbian or gay and a majority of students in the classroom knowing at least one gay or lesbian person, whether it be a teacher, a classmate or a family member.
Violence, bullying and harassment are the rule and not the exception in America's schools. According to GLSEN's 2003 National School Climate Survey,
According to our National School Climate Survey, students who did not have (or did not know of) a policy protecting them from violence and harassment were nearly 40% more likely to skip schools than those who did: 36.5% of LGBT students who said their school did not have a specific harassment policy skipped class in the last month because they felt unsafe, with that number dropping to 26.6% among LGBT students who know that there is some sort of harassment policy in place to protect them. Also, according to the data, students are more likely to report incidences of violence, bulling and harassment when a policy was in place.
http://www.glsen.org/cgi-bin/iowa/all/news/record/1970.html (gay, lesbian and straight education network)
if indeed it is the charge of the education system to teach, amongst other things, social studies, then i believe, imho, that a day focusing on human rights, rather than a social agenda, will wonderfully illustrate that multiple societies exist throughout the world and there can be found in the world caring societies that favor systems that foster social inclusion and human development ....
How many other groups do you think would be given this privileged status?
They get to take off entire days of school to attend tent "Revivals" that are setup on school property.
They get to take off time from school to form circles around flag poles and pray.
They get to hijack school programs and impose their religious rituals onto the entire attending audience.
They get to impose a "moment of silent prayer" onto the entire faculty and student body every morning.
They get to setup “after school clubs” that use taxpayer funded facilities to proselytize and pass out religious materials to faculty and students.
They get to force me to financially support their religious activates by use of my tax dollars.
Need I go on?
The only christian thing I remember from my childhood is the prayer we had in kindergarten and the golden rule that was posted on the wall, after that they were forced to stop it That is when violence and drugs started creeping into our schools. They kicked God out of the classroom, and ushered in everything else.
I'm sad this thread has become another discussion of sin and sinners. I am pretty sure that wasn't the original intent.
In my home, I teach my kids to respectful of their fellow humans. Never make rash decisions and judge people quickly. Find out about them, and if you can be friends, then be friends. If not, at least be kind.
The only christian thing I remember from my childhood is the prayer we had in kindergarten and the golden rule that was posted on the wall, after that they were forced to stop it That is when violence and drugs started creeping into our schools. They kicked God out of the classroom, and ushered in everything else.
It isn't my problem if Christians cannot adhere to their religious teachings without being propped up by the government. What the hell… lets put Allah back in school!