Thank you for posting the article. The current South African & Zimbabwe state has alot to do with communism and the corrupt leaders. I find your insight of black-on-black violence to be very insightful. It's about power & communism.
Yes, there is a "battered wife syndrome" whereas the battered wife beats her beloved children, who beat the dogs. Violence breeds violence. When a person is beat down so long, they beleive they are not worthy. This lack of self esteem makes them angry, and they lash out on everyone and everything.
But, I look at other parts of the world, and I don't see race-on-race violence. Ireland suffered hundreds of years of oppression, but they are not fighting amongst themselves. They lowered their tax rates, attracted businesses, and are booming. The Irish choose capitalism, not communism, as the solution. Granted, Ireland and Africa are world's apart.
Reminds me of an old saying, "He who has the gold, makes the rules."
Zimbabwe wanted the white farmers out, becuase they were successful. A few years prior, Zimbabwe was an exporter of food & had enough food for all. Today, reports I've read show that the new farmers (former Zimbabwe soldiers) prefer to farm on an individual, not an industrial, scale - leaving thousands of acres to go fallow. The hunter-gatherer mentality of just feeding one's family is deep-rooted, as I would expect. The concept of producing thousands of pounds of food is foreign, it's Western. But, now that Africans are moving to the cities to seek work, large scale farming is more important than ever. .The result of giving the land to the soliders without teaching them how to farm.....Zunbabwe doesn't have enough food the people who live in the cities.
Of the white farmers who were forced out (many murdered), they owe the World Bank millions in debt, as they borrowed to buy equipment, seeds, etc. I've not heard on whether the World Bank was enforcing these loans. You can't squeeze blood from a turnup. But, I don't get alot of news on this. Instead, it's all about another politician who can't keep his pants up.