Was her first question to you "are you happy?"
No WE seem to just talk about some of are similiar interests and chit chat.
by ZeroZen 52 Replies latest social relationships
Was her first question to you "are you happy?"
No WE seem to just talk about some of are similiar interests and chit chat.
She is probably fantasizing about converting you to her beliefs. Thats Hot LOL
Your mileage may vary, but...
Do we have any chance of a relationship together?
Hope springs eternal. What kind of relationship? Where you are equals, with the same interests and life goals? An intellectually open and engaging relationship? At the risk of being rude, would you expect to have oral sex (or other non-genital-to-genital congress)?
You must understand that if she is strong in her faith and you are not, you will not share the same priorities in life. You should also understand that the religion is so invasive as to tell you that oral sex is punishable.
Would this mean she is weak in her beliefs if she is thinking of dating me, and maybe able to "Change"?
Possibly. But the break from her religion will be fought tooth and nail by any relatives she has "in". She will likely go through a lot of guilt and remorse, and may go back even if she leaves. The draw (the conditioning of her mind) is incredibly strong.
She seems very nice and intelligent but I wonder how much she believes in the "truth" would there be a way to tell?
Ask her to read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz - http://www.amazon.com/Crisis-Conscience-Raymond-Franz/dp/0914675230/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1205442087&sr=8-2. If she says Yes, that's a good sign. If she actually reads it all, that's even better. If she reads it and still want sto stay in the Org, I would be concerned.
I hate bringing up religion it can be such a turn off to some people when starting a relationship. What would be the best way to bring this up?
Sorry, but completely disagree. Anyone considering a relationship must go through a degree of discovery and exposure to determine if you two place the same weight upon how religion impacts your lives seperately and together. It would be like entering into a relationship and not knowing if your pontential partner is gay or straight. When do you want to learn that your partner likes to sacrifice goats at midnight? After the wedding?
You need to explore these things up front, before either of you gets too far into the relationship.
You: "I think there's some important things for us to discuss if we're going to be serious. What do you think about God? I think people will each have their own concepts and beliefs, and it doesn't matter much to me what they believe. How about you?"
Her: "Oh, I believe that if you aren't a Jehovah's Witness in good standing that you are going to die in the very near future when Armageddon comes. Those 6 million of us left will be burying the 6 billion of unbelievers, plus whoever else was judged righteous enough to be resurrected here on Earth. Won't that be great? We'll get to start over, building a new paradise together!"
I have not had to think about religion when starting a relationship before but I have heard some bad things about JWs. What else should I know?
That it's a high control organization that seeks to limit what you can read, what you can believe, and who you can associate with. Witnesses with unbelieving mates make for difficult marriages.
One problem is I see her at work and she works in a public place so it might be difficult for me to talk about more personal stuff.. I guess I could always get her number. It seems like her religion adds another level to a complex relationship which normally would not be a concern. JW from what Ive read seem to be very sexest they dont let women have a voice in the religion my friend said he was talking to a member and he said it is ok to hit and abuse your wife is this true?
I guess I bieleve that two concenting adults can do what ever they want and it should not be "punishable"
I guess this would be a big cloud over the relationship
You guess well.
Do you think she would bring up her beliefs at work?
You could randomly mention some of your beliefs
and see how she responds.
Or you could give her your number
and see if she callz.
If she lives at home, calls from non-jws would likely raise alarm.
Ya never know though unless you put the option out there whether she'll call on the sly.
There have been a few women on JWD I would love to sleep with!
A&W was the first I think?
Now I may be in trouble because I have no clue if she has a partner?