I feel like I should be scared!
Forbidden Love?
by ZeroZen 52 Replies latest social relationships
I was in this same kind of situation and it scared me off!
I am financially challenged! Does she take American express? And will she wait if the British equivalent is a little slow in coming?
Yup, I am a 45 yr old north west england male with a penchant for attractive romance seeking women on a shoestring!
Basically I just want love and sex and love and cuddles and love and walks in wild places!
Even if we did hit it off, I do not think my parents would accepting of her religion. My mom said that when one of her friends joined the JWs "they got Her", and my dad's parents were very religous so he would not want to know about it. So we both would be living a lie.
I say go with your heart and if your cock follows so be it!
Have a life and enjoy it!
Do not even get involved.
Quirky 1
I think my best bet is just to leave it open and what happens happens. Im sure if I asked her her religous views I will not like the answer if she is a fundy. I really hate people like Pat Robertson who think they are talking to god and know what everyone should do. It seems like the JW lifestyle adds a whole level of complexity that normally would not be.
Zero Zen
It seems like the women I meet lately all have some kind of issue that I would have a hard time dealing with drug abuse, depression etc. I also suffer from biploar depression so relationships can be difficult. Im just a lonely guy right now lookin for my mate.