Are you saying that these myth builders are interested primarily in the common good?
woof ;)
by unclebruce 27 Replies latest jw friends
Are you saying that these myth builders are interested primarily in the common good?
woof ;)
Hey Thomas,
I hope you enjoyed the bear hug .. looks like bigbear's taken a liking to ya .. you lucky little apostate you ;)
If one does not seek God, but rather abhors the thought of God, how could they ever expect to find him. From the mouth speaks the heart.
What if one found your God buggerizing a woman while crapping on her child? (an analgy both vulgar and fitting the westernized bible god to a t)
I perceive this thread to be a soldarity united by mutual ignorance.
Well, how about enlightening us Oh bright sparkle! (or at least showing where I am factually or philosophically wrong)
If you have no need to even search for God, you have a God-blank in your spirituality. You have a pseudo god called "yourself," and what you worship is your mind. Your greater love is for yourself only. Next, you have a body which is passing away quickly.
Did I say one shouldn't seek God? It is the direction of search i question. Why look for peaches at the market when the best are ripe in your own backyard?
In your approach to knowledge, your distiny is to "always" never find God or to find goodness, or to find peace, or joy, or love, or understanding.
? your peaches are fermenting.
Puny mortal that you are; you cannot even stop your own eternal death. You belong only to yourself. What a pity. So as the wind is be the substance of your thoughts, free and reckless.
Pure bullshit. Death is nothing to me, if i wasn't having so much fun here i'd have volenteered out long ago. You might feel threatened by death but i'm looking forward to it.
One chance is that when God reads your heart you might find his grace.
She did that already thomas and the good news for this modern man is that i passed muster.
cheers, thomas .. why not go read a good book or something :)
Obsession with the devil is synonomous with worship of him, don't you think, Tommy P?
... the main point i was trying to drive at is that myth is real.
Ah, but only if you THINK it is! With that, I suppose it's not unlike most other ideas (true and false) that are conjured by the mind.
Ask the average JW and they will tell you that the governing body is god's chosen mouthpiece.
Ask our friend Brother Poole, making an appearance here on behalf of an unseen diety, if that Omnipotent One is real, and of course He is. To Brother Poole. Brother Poole has probably had long discussions with Him.
Ask Dorothy, prior to her discovery of real truth, if there was a Wizard, and "of course there is... there MUST be" would be the reply. To her and her traveling companions, the Wizard of Oz was as real as the air she breathed, but only because she thought so.
Me... I don't believe in myths beyond the mental gymnastics required to entertain them. I don't believe in demons, gods, easter bunnies or overweight men who slip down chimneys at the end of every year to reward all the kiddies who've been nice. These literary characters are all wisps of fantasy, figments of the imagination, tools of men with dreams of power and control.
Peace, my friend,
A superstition is a premature explanation that overstays its time. -- George Iles
Are you saying that these myth builders are interested primarily in the common good?
I don't know if it works as simply as that and i'm certainly not saying there is some top secret myth building elite hiding out in the hills of South Dakota but that seems to me to be the outcome. Human society itself creates and thrives on myth. Some are good some are bad but the enduring themes are there for our benifit if we care. If myth gives us a deeper understanding of ourselves and lightens the burden of the loneliness, failure and loss that come as the result of events like september 11 in the USA then it can be a very good thing.
In a roundabout way, Thomas Poole struck on a very good point above .. the fact that as we grow older through problems of love, intimacy, ambition etc.. we ultimatly get to the point when we must face our own mortality. Even people gifted with wonderful things like beauty talent power and wealth suffer as a consequence of them. It's ironic but with the bright light of 'god' given gifts the darkness also comes.
***woof ;)***
good girl .. stroke ;)
Dressing up the devil in red with horns, is almost a better myth than the chrisitian/fundy Devil of today. The modern day Devil(s) reflect human nature even more than the 'red' devils of ole yarn.
These modern christian devil's are promoted as powerful spirit creatures, yet these very same spirits seem content only to 'haunt' or inhabit squeeky old houses or castles. Running amuck in the glassware, hurling little wisps of cold air, moving candels around, turning light's on and off. Seem's like such magnificent creatures could find more impressive ways of making themselves known.
Don't get me wrong, I believe there is and allways have been spirit activity. As to who and what they are, I still don't really know.
But for religon's to harbor and promote all the spritistic hoopla, then reject other's non-believer's myths and legends, is very sanctimonious, eh?
I guess that is why I find so much more truth and realisim in some of the ancient tribal (north-american indian) religions, than I do in modern day Judeo/Christian westernized world. I suppose I would find similar in the study of the nataive Austrailian tribes as well???
No need to call out Rev Hollingsbelly on behalf of Sir Thomas Poole, he is simply a scared little christian boy, whose has had to many scary Jehovah/Jesus stories thrust down his cranium.
Myth IS real in the sense that its effects ARE real. Its power is awesome and undeniable. Wether we like it or not, history and myth effect our lives deeply. I don't have time to argue with ya on this .. just ask 6 million dead jews how real it is! only joking!
cheers unc.
Thanks for the posts....BTW, what have you been reading that's in accordance with the post? Very interesting...thank you.
Thankyou ashitika,
I have been interested in the subject for over ten years and come to my own conclusions through my interest in true history. I have come to believe that human societies need religion to remain healthy and strong and mythology and mysticism, far from being just long dead foolish beliefs used by power mad men to control people, they are an essential glue that binds us deeply to one another.
On departing the watchtower cult and while still investigating it in libraries I suddenly discovered the joy of books and dove into investigating both practically and by reading .. things as seemingly diverce as the eastern religions, UFO's, witchcraft, tarot etc..
I am away from home and my daughter only reads accounting textbooks so most of what i am saying is from god remembers where :) I am currently reading three books (four really, but the Kama Sutra doesn't count) I've already recommended The Mythic Journey and The Spear of Destiny:
"the secret life of wombats" (ISBN 1 876485 86 8)- truely one of the earths most least understood marvels. (northern hairy nosed ones are on the brink of extinction and we have colonies of southern hairy nosed wombats right here where i live .. noone has ever seen them mating so i keep my camera ready for a world exclusive! ;)
"the Battle for God" (ISBN 0 00 638348 3) Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I only bought this book yesterday and skimming through it gave the impression of a good grasp on how and why fundies differ from the rest of us ;)
"The Mythic Journey" (ISBN 0-7318-0847-9) This book really is excellent over 50 ancient tales with artwork by Rubins, Renoir Blake and many others. (I'm a sucker for Celtic and romantic artwork and have a lot of catching up to do before being well versed in understanding my own Greek tragedies let alone the genuine Zeus ;)
Bookshops are wonderful places these days, something for everyone, especially the ones with coffee shops built in ;)
cheers, unc.
Native American religion is not for me, but i deeply respect and appreciate it. Some things are universal and the truth is we must find what resonates best for us and be true to our nature if we are to be happy contented souls. I am an australian with tribal and european roots and strongly relate to aboriginal spirituality and the taoist view of the world.
God knows what Thomas is up to .. lol .. if only the poor bastard 'd stop looking for God and let him find him. (in my experience 'God' doesn't come to those running about like a chook with its head detached ;)
cocky unc.
There's one other remark of yours that I wanted to comment on. You said:
I don't believe in the Christian God, Satan the Devil. (was he an entirely christian construct or was he transfered to Judaism as part of the dualism the Jews adopted prior to returning from Babylonian exile?)
There's a lot I still have to learn on the subject, but a couple of weeks ago in the Humanities class I'm taking, the influence of Zoroastrianism was discussed as being a big influence over Hellenistic Greeks and, of consequence, early Christianity and Western civilization.
Among other things, the ancient religion taught the duality of good and evil, the constant struggle between a 'good' God and an 'evil' Devil, and an ultimate battle at the end of Time in which Good would prevail. It did not come as a shock to learn that the Jews were very primitive and humanistic in their religious and spiritual views, until they came into contact with the pagan ideas originating in ancient Persia.
Somehow, I think you know this already.