Dear Fellows,
I believe in the Word of the Bible. I believe it to be inspired and from "the" God. My beliefs are subject to change, but only as I can discern new and different things to facilitate the Bible and my conscience.
I always enjoy and seek to learn and understand more about knowledge of any kind that rationally applies to the Bible. What is rational here means that which is acceptable to my conscience, along with the affects of the Counselor upon me in my reasoning.
To go beyond the Bible into the affects of humanity and human history upon its beginnings and development is a very relative thing to me; for, again, I believe the Bible to be truly inspired and from God.
I stop short of trying to "improve" the Bible to myself other than by comparative examinations of it to others translations, transliterations, and interpretations of original scripture wordings. I approve of non-canonical knowledge that allows me to get a sense of the context of the scriptures for a particular time.
To view the Bible as just another form of secular rhyme and reason, as I perceive these comentaries hint upon, I reject. Your subject matters I find of interest, but only tokenly so. Your relativisms, probablities, conjectures, and discoveries are to me a disruption and competition against faith.
By faith, I mean not blind faith without any regard to reason or without humility to accept other considerations of thought and knowledge, but rather that faith built upon and strengthened by knowledge and thought whose nature is homogeneous to existing truth, proved by the essence of its compatibility with existing good reasoning about the inspired scriptures.
As before I perceive the use of the minds here to be about intertaining labyrinthine quests of unimportant things that lead neither to God or to Salvation.
On the surface I believe Truth is for the most part simple, as it should be, such that every man can learn and believe. Below the surface is the wisdom of man with his independent self-worship. Above the surface are the divine mysteries of supernatural powers, justice, love, and mercy.
I have merely touched upon the supernatural as to how it helps and protects me, and how it seeks to kill, steal, and destroy me.
I open up my spirit, soul, and mind to all that is of God, that I might be given through his son Jesus Christ. Of course I do not understand or perceive the consequences of saying this, but this is done by my faith, not by discernment using belaboring inquiries about human wisdom.
I think it rediculous to use man's secular wisdom to know God or to challenge the God of the Bible of his existence or authenticity. My anchor is much simpler; it is one of faith.
By my faith, as in a twinkling of an eye, I have overcome even death.