What do you do when you exit and your wife stays in?

by Quirky1 66 Replies latest social relationships

  • undercover

    Hello...I'm undercover and I have a still-believing mate. [the room replies, "Hello, undercover"]

    It's a tough situation, no doubt about it. But each person's circumstance is different. For us, we've been able to keep our marriage going pretty good, despite my "being weak" and "influenced by worldly philosophy".

    Over time, it has become the 800lb gorilla in the room that we ignore. The longer it sits there the more you get used to it. She knows my position, I know hers; we have agreed to disagree and for the most part we don't go there anymore.

    What makes it easier, if that's the right word, is that I didn't DA myself nor have I been DFd. I quietly faded away, so I'm still greeted and treated friendly enough by my JW family and friends that I've known since childhood. I haven't had the strain of being shunned in my wife's presence or having her shunned because of me.

    I've always advocated not playing by the Society's rules when it comes to DFing or DAing. Instead of DAing yourself, why not just quit going? Over time, they'll give up on you and leave you alone, but yet won't officially shun you or cause your wife problems due to your "apostate" views. Just a thought...we all have our own cross to bear.

  • Quirky1

    The "main" thing that bothers me here is her choice to turn me in to the elders for "my" choice to celebrate the holidays with my side of the family. It "is" her duty to do so. This will be a DF'ing offense and I am sure it will ripple the relationship of her parents and freinds.

    They live very close and are usually always around, except for the last month, since I quit attending the meetings.

    What is your input regarding this?


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy Q! Your thread and posts reminds me of my wife and I a few years ago. If I may share our experience:

    I left kicking and screaming and full of vitriolic anger in 1989. Nina stayed in. However, unlike your wife, she got very little sympathy. Mostly the congregation ignored her apparently feeling a woman without a man just doesn't matter.

    She and I used to have arguments almost daily, usually with me ripping a Watchtower or throwing one of their books against the wall. But at our core, we were two people who loved each other deeply. I used to tell her we were two people holding on to each other while the storm winds howled around us.

    After a year or so, we settled on this: I wasn't going back; I wouldn't try to get her out; she wouldn't try to get me back (although she broke that one several times!). We decided that we were more important than anything else and we would do nothing to hurt the other.

    It stayed that way for 13 years. We even decided to start a family. My compromise was to let her take them to the Hall. It wasn't perfect and in retrospect I wish now I had stood up to her and the cult more. But again to us, our marriage was more important.

    In 2002 our 6 year old son came down with viral arthritis. He was in screaming pain for 6 weeks. By this point, Nina was not very active but she missed meetings and service for 6 weeks because of his illness. Naturally no Witness called or came by and when she went back to the Sunday meeting she wheeled our son in the Hall in his wheelchair. No one commented on it, and the one elder that did come up to her only wanted to know what her service time was.

    That did it for her and she left and never went back. We're both out now and our son is happy and healthy; the arthritis went away.

    So I guess my advice to you is you first need to find out what's important to you. Now that you're out, (and still sane!), what do you want out of life? And is there anyway your wife can go along with you? Not physicaly leaving the organization, but can she stay with you as you grow and, ultimately, change? If she can't, then you've got some tough choices to make. In my case, Nina could not, so I did not celebrate holidays and so on. I wanted to wait for her as I believed deep down she would eventually see the light. Of course I didn't think it would take 13 years.

    I'm not saying this is the only way, or the right way or any of that. This is what we went through and we came out intact because that was what was most important to us.

    I would recommend patience at this point. You need to give yourself some time as well as your wife.

    Hang in there.

    Be well,


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Forgot to address this point:

    The "main" thing that bothers me here is her choice to turn me in to the elders for "my" choice to celebrate the holidays with my side of the family.

    Nina would never have done this. I never did celebrate holidays, but if I had she would never have even thought of going to the elders.

    If she does this, it might give you an indication of what she considers most important. That choice may be made for you.


  • Quandry

    We all started smoking and all sorts of other BS that we, or I gave up years ago but the children just picked up.

    Well, maybe this is a part of the reason your wife is upset, and getting sympathy at the Assembly. We here like to hear of the way a life has been benefitted by coming out of the Organization. This is not a benefit.

    I just lost my dad, gasping for breath from long years of smoking. Now my mom is always hooked to an oxygen machine.

    Not to mention the expense, the stench, etc. of tobacco.

    I hope you and your kids can rethink the wisdom of smoking. When you leave the WTS you should take control of your life, not give control to something else......

  • Quirky1


    I am sorry for your loss. I do understand about the dangers of smoking. I have lost two close relatives due to smoking.

    I haven't really started smoking but I have had one or two. The kids have been smoking secretly for several years and I just found out recently and the wife doesn't know.

    As for taking control of my life, I am trying my best. It is difficult, believe me.


  • real one
    real one

    if you are a born again christian your choice should be with Jesus Christ.

  • oompa

    Quirky, I have much to add, but can not right now. My first year had many a tearful fight with my wife, and it is the only times we have EVER fought at all....You must stop it now as it does no good at all. You will not be able to help her when she is on the defense, and she is....plus scared. I think we are going to make it, but am skeptical my wife will leave anytime soon if ever.....more later....................oompa

    feel free to pm me

  • 95stormfront
    when my wife comes home from the meetings, she thanks me for "sparing her". She always thanks me for "allowing" her to go to the meetings, aux. pioneer, assemblies, etc. She knows I don't believe in the organization. And yet we've reached a comfortable arrangement of divided faith. I support her as much as I can--I went to great lengths to show this to her, that despite my lack of faith, I would support hers.

    My wife does the same things, though I never describe how I feel about the WT organization with any negative connotation that somehow I am lacking. I always deal with any issue brought up from a position of strength with no hint of there may be something wrong with me in any way because I'm not agreeable to their positions.

  • Quirky1

    Well, My wife wants us to legally separate. We are going to go see an attorney. I offered to go seek marriage counseling but she refuses to do so. She will not seek a divorce but I know that is what she wants. She says that she wants a spiritual partner in the KH with her and I can no longer be that person with my change in the beliefs of the JW doctrine.

    This is going to be tough. We have been together for 25 years. I'm starting to feel the repercussions emotionally because I still love this person.

    Losing it.


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