find this thread a real laugh. And before it is finished a fight is going to break out for sure ( I am prophetess )
None of us can explain God... He in my opinion is my Saviour,. I cant tell you all about him I just know he said "let US make man in OUR image " & at that time there was the Creator,The Word,& The Spirit( hovering) I am three in one. Body.Soul, Spirit. Unfortunatly MINE dont work together. But I believe they did.... But then I am imperfect. I believe they are perfect.
hi mouthy it is an interesting thread, I wouldn't have a problem with trinity if the word trinity appeared in the bible or at least 3-1, but even the scripture you quote is a contradiction in itself if you take it as some 3 headed God speaking to himself, because if man is created in OUR image he certainly hasn't got 3-1 issues, each man is made distinct and one person in themselves and their consciousness, this sentence scripture makes more sense if you see God making a statement to another person with him aka "the word" and we are made in their image, unless God has become a psycho and talks to himself. I think this scripture backs up that jesus helped him as a separate entity a helper.