I hate the Watchtower but I really still hate the Trinity Jesus is NOT God!

by Witness 007 343 Replies latest jw experiences

  • reniaa
    find this thread a real laugh. And before it is finished a fight is going to break out for sure ( I am prophetess )
    None of us can explain God... He in my opinion is my Saviour,. I cant tell you all about him I just know he said "let US make man in OUR image " & at that time there was the Creator,The Word,& The Spirit( hovering) I am three in one. Body.Soul, Spirit. Unfortunatly MINE dont work together. But I believe they did.... But then I am imperfect. I believe they are perfect.

    hi mouthy it is an interesting thread, I wouldn't have a problem with trinity if the word trinity appeared in the bible or at least 3-1, but even the scripture you quote is a contradiction in itself if you take it as some 3 headed God speaking to himself, because if man is created in OUR image he certainly hasn't got 3-1 issues, each man is made distinct and one person in themselves and their consciousness, this sentence scripture makes more sense if you see God making a statement to another person with him aka "the word" and we are made in their image, unless God has become a psycho and talks to himself. I think this scripture backs up that jesus helped him as a separate entity a helper.

  • reniaa
    find this thread a real laugh. And before it is finished a fight is going to break out for sure ( I am prophetess )
    None of us can explain God... He in my opinion is my Saviour,. I cant tell you all about him I just know he said "let US make man in OUR image " & at that time there was the Creator,The Word,& The Spirit( hovering) I am three in one. Body.Soul, Spirit. Unfortunatly MINE dont work together. But I believe they did.... But then I am imperfect. I believe they are perfect.

    hi mouthy it is an interesting thread, I wouldn't have a problem with trinity if the word trinity appeared in the bible or at least 3-1, but even the scripture you quote is a contradiction in itself if you take it as some 3 headed God speaking to himself, because if man is created in OUR image he certainly hasn't got 3-1 issues, each man is made distinct and one person in themselves and their consciousness, this sentence scripture makes more sense if you see God making a statement to another person with him aka "the word" and we are made in their image, unless God has become a psycho and talks to himself. I think this scripture backs up that jesus helped him as a separate entity a helper.

  • reniaa
    find this thread a real laugh. And before it is finished a fight is going to break out for sure ( I am prophetess )
    None of us can explain God... He in my opinion is my Saviour,. I cant tell you all about him I just know he said "let US make man in OUR image " & at that time there was the Creator,The Word,& The Spirit( hovering) I am three in one. Body.Soul, Spirit. Unfortunatly MINE dont work together. But I believe they did.... But then I am imperfect. I believe they are perfect.

    hi mouthy it is an interesting thread, I wouldn't have a problem with trinity if the word trinity appeared in the bible or at least 3-1, but even the scripture you quote is a contradiction in itself if you take it as some 3 headed God speaking to himself, because if man is created in OUR image he certainly hasn't got 3-1 issues, each man is made distinct and one person in themselves and their consciousness, this sentence scripture makes more sense if you see God making a statement to another person with him aka "the word" and we are made in their image, unless God has become a psycho and talks to himself. I think this scripture backs up that jesus helped him as a separate entity a helper.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Grace is my Christian hero on JWD. Go Mouthy!!!

    I may not believe what you do - but I respect all you state here. Thanx for being a part of this forum.


  • mouthy

    I guess you posted that for emphesis LOL
    No I dont believe God has three heads some 3 headed God speaking to himself I believe He is Gods Son!!!! so he is God also, When man has a baby he is man! I said I cannot explain him . I believe they are three in one as when a couple is married they are presumed to be ONE,,,, Or as stated by someone on here a family of 3 is sighted as one family. I cant tell you All about God I wouldnt try.
    I just know that since I asked Jesus to come into my life. It has given me a "peace" I never had before.
    I dont have to worry about if HE is there or not. I allow my Faith to believe HE is. Now I could be wrong again.... But it wont be for 25 years like it was in the WTower...
    . I will find out shortly.... If you believe in Ghosts, & I find out we can haunt... I will come back & tell you. & if I end up in the other place I will set a flame on your computor

  • MOG

    awe man..how did we get all mushy

  • mouthy

    Grace is my Christian hero on JWD. Go Mouthy!!!

    I may not believe what you do - but I respect all you state here. Thanx for being a part of this forum.


    Oh "AINT" that nice .... I like that post ...Thanks Jeff.

  • mouthy

    For MOG
    awe man..how did we get all mushyRight NOW

  • real one
    real one
    hi mouthy it is an interesting thread, I wouldn't have a problem with trinity if the word trinity appeared in the bible or at least 3-1, but even the scripture you quote is a contradiction in itself if you take it as some 3 headed God speaking to himself, because if man is created in OUR image he certainly hasn't got 3-1 issues, each man is made distinct and one person in themselves and their consciousness, this sentence scripture makes more sense if you see God making a statement to another person with him aka "the word" and we are made in their image, unless God has become a psycho and talks to himself. I think this scripture backs up that jesus helped him as a separate entity a helper.

    2 Corinthians 3-4, If there is anything hidden about our message, it is hidden only to someone who is lost. The god who rules this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers . They cannot see the ligth, which is the good news about our glorious Christ, who shows what God is like.

  • real one
    real one

    2 Corinthians 4:3-4, If there is anything hidden about our message, it is only hidden to someone who is lost. The god who rules this world has blinded the minds of unbeliveres. They cannot see the light, which is the good news about our glorious Christ, who shows what God is like.

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