Thanks for your thoughts. But I have to disagree with the spirit you convey. The Bible says plenty about the Holy Spirit, and there's no excuse for a person who reads the Bible not to understand what the Spirit is all about. It's a cop-out, pure and simple, to say it's a mystery that we can't fully understand.
Instead of your view or mine on the Trinity, as devout truthseekers we ought to be diligently searching for the truth about God as he revealed it in the Bible. It is his mind on matters that counts, not yours or mine. I still think you view the Bible as less important than one's own inner feelings. What good are our feelings if they are no different from others who never looked into the Bible but who depend upon what others tell them?
As for whether or not we MUST accept some things about God and Christ, there are warnings about false teachers and false Christs who can carry us off as their spiritual prey if we are defenseless. This isn't a matter of being "hung up on this one teaching." It's an effort to uncover and lay bare the truth about God and Christ. To some people the truth is insignificant. All they want is peace and quiet such as can only be found in utopia or la-la land. Such persons don't have to come to this or similar threads. If that's all they want in life, I don't condemn them. But I pray for them that they might awaken to the fact that our lives are very short and that they just might miss out on the glories that are to come by failing to get in through "the narrow door." (Matthew 7:13, 14; Luke 13:24)
To "agree to disagree" on such an important issue, in my view, is to renounce Christ. It is a failure to grasp the insights and spirit of Paul who wrote: "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!" (Romans 11:33) 'Seek and ye shall find!' 'Keep on asking, knocking and seeking, and it will be opened unto you.'