Let's take three steps back and look at the BIG PICTURE, shall we?
(Step,step, step.)
Necessity is said to be the "mother" of invention.
We have a need and we seek ways to fill that need.
How many of us actually need a Trinity?
The concept, idea or philosophy of a transcendant being is pretty large and incomprehensible as it is---isn't it?
If you can get your mind around the actual beingness of an invisible superhuman spirit who knows everything and never dies---you have a terrific imagination.
Yet, science fiction writers create these sorts of beings with ease.
Ancient thinkers, writers, storytellers and sages thought up Zeus, Thor, Vishnu, Cyclops and other fanciful beings, did they not?
Weren't there scores of Triune dieties belonging to various religious beliefs? Yes, certainly there were.
How odd!
How very, very odd and what a HUGE CO-INCIDENCE that the actual true nature of the actual true God should just so happen to be the same as these weird, primitive theories about false gods, namely a TRINITY!!
What a lucky guess!!
How could they be practicing false religions, demonic religions, weird and depraved religions disconnected from any real "truth" about the true God----AND YET GET THE VERY NATURE OF GOD (i.e.Triune-ness) CORRECT?
Mind boggling.
Just the same old way of describing something wholly invented by the mind of man to make a ficitional being into something even more mind-numbingly incomprehensible.
Let's face it, the idea of Three Gods with only ONE identity is a contradiction in terms. The nature of SUPERnatural is that it cannot invade what is in our nature to think, or think about, or understand, or explain to ourselves.
A singularity of identity cannot be parsed into separate identities with names and descriptions.
The notion of God is larger than the ability to lable God's constituency (or lack of).
Once you grant beingness to a TRANSCENDANT being---you exceed your capacity to describe, delineate and comprehend. You put it into a set without itself as a member.
What we know versus what we set off-limits to being able to know.
Isn't that the whole idea of God in the first place?