Concerning the "born again" thread

by startingover 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingover

    PotentialJWconvertwife said:

    Well, as you know, I never was a dub. But I am and have been a born again Christian for many years. I am thankful that some of those of you who were "in" weren't so bitter about the experience that you couldn't believe in God any longer. I know some of the folks here have become atheists because of the negative effects of the cult, and to me that is the worst damage of all. PTL that y'all have found the real truth in Jesus! Peace and Love, Potential.

    I've heard this mentioned before, and I really have a problem with that kind of thinking. Those of you who are so sure about your Jesus that you can't begin to imagine that some of us left the JW's after realizing we'd been conned, looked into the basis for Christianity and decided it was all flawed. In my case it had nothing to do with being bitter and I know I am not alone. I have absolutely no need to believe in God, and I am in fact sorry that many of you out there need it for a crutch.

  • shamus100


    (My personal opinion only!) I think that people need religion to stay sane - to realize that ultimately, there is nothing after this life. NOTHING. Some people I have met through work (not friends of mine!) have openly said that they would be horrible people if it wasn't for god. I don't need to believe in god to be a good person - to not go out and kill people. To be a good person - to contribute to society. To not go out and kill cats for no reason - you know what I mean,.

    In any event, even I don't ultimately know what will happen when I die. I'm pretty sure I won't be floating around the clouds, or burning in hell. It will be quiet and dark.

  • BurnTheShips
    I've heard this mentioned before, and I really have a problem with that kind of thinking. Those of you who are so sure about your Jesus that you can't begin to imagine that some of us left the JW's after realizing we'd been conned, looked into the basis for Christianity and decided it was all flawed. In my case it had nothing to do with being bitter and I know I am not alone. I have absolutely no need to believe in God, and I am in fact sorry that many of you out there need it for a crutch.

    Startingover, I understand how you feel. On this site those that have lost all religious belief have cajoled, ridiculed and generally called those that have retained belief deluded fools. The general undercurrent on this forum for a long time has been "how could you be so stupid to believe in God after getting bamboozled by the JWs?" The implication of stupidity and weakness, as the latter part of your quote evidences, is quite offensive to me. Surely your skin is not so thin that you can't deal with someone being happy that not everyone has lost faith. And leaving the JWs does cause a lot to lose faith. A cursory overview of :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:ubs here reveals a far larger percentage of unfaith than the population at large. I cannot help but attribute this, in part, to the disillusionment of realizing the cult was a farce. Losing friends. family and wasting years in that cult can not but produce a bit of bitterness and despair.


  • shamus100


    This is a touchy subject. Someone once told me not to discuss politics or religion with people. It seems okay on the internet, but it still can lead to hard feelings. It's all a matter of opinion - personal opinion. I don't hate people if they are religious. I have some religious friends, but they're pretty balanced.

  • NewYork44M

    During my fade from the jw land I tried to understand various religions, including the born again crowd.

    I did not get it. I respect the beliefs, but I have no interest in any of these concepts.

  • Narkissos
    A cursory overview of :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:ubs here reveals a far larger percentage of unfaith than the population at large.

    I suppose you mean the American population... because as compared to Europe this is definitely not the case.

    Btw, my own mild frustration with that "born again" thread is that it ruled out, right from the start, the experience of those who exited the Watchtower in a "born again" way and moved further on later... a pretty common trajectory too, as I have gathered from previous conversations on this board.

  • BurnTheShips
    I suppose you mean the American population... because as compared to Europe this is definitely not the case.

    Narkissos, you pique my curiosity. How is it different in the old country? Why is it different?


  • DevonMcBride

    I have found on more than one occasion that Born Agains can be unconsciously insulting.

  • BurnTheShips
    I have found on more than one occasion that Born Agains can be unconsciously insulting.

    Off this board I have personally found most born agains to be Calvinists, five pointers. I attribute this offensiveness partly due to the Calvinist undercurrent. I do not agree with Calvinist soteriology myself. I am much closer to what could be termed Arminian, Molinist, and Wesleyan. Calvinism is rather offensive to me.


  • BurnTheShips

    My dog's breath does not smell like cat food. It smells like dog's balls. Why is that?



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