J.W's gonna see Harry P ?

by wheelwithinwheel 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • wheelwithinwheel

    Harry Potter is getting great reviews. Looks pretty Satanic! How many witnesses are gonna go see the movie? How many witness kids have the books? That has got to be a no-no. How many witness kids or adults have read the books but shut their traps?

    Maybe brother Michael Jackson will give us his take on it.

  • Simon

    The kids will probably be denied as it will be labelled as demonic.

    Once again, they will be made to stand out and be different for no good reason than to isolate them and keep them in the fold.

  • DIM

    the view here in suburban Philadelphia, from what i've heard active JW's say, is that Harry Potter is demonic but The Lord of The Rings is ok. which doesn't make any sense, especially if you've read the hobbit, fellowship of the ring, the two towers, and the return of the king by Tolkien. I mean, the dark lord Sauron is basically a Satan type character. drives me nuts. I'll be seeing both movies though - they both look incredible.

    i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon

  • Ranchette

    Harry Potter would be off limits to any good JW. Some who are on the edge anyway will probably see it or read the books.

    My JW niece was given the first edition copies of all the Harry Potter books by her grandmother. They were expensive and will be valuable in the future.
    What do these JWs do with these demonized books? Burn them? NO
    Throw them away? NO
    They donated them to the local library!!

    When we were still JWs we thought Harry Potter was awful and dangerous for children and couldn't figure out why any parent would let their kids read those books!
    My daughter was checking them out at the school library and reading them against our will. We were appalled and lectured her on the danger of demons!

    Now we cant wait for the movie and don't mind her reading the books.
    No more worries about demons.
    What a relief it is to be free of those silly superstitions!


  • MrMoe

    Harry Potter is a wonderful series, I have read all four books and collect the toys.

    In my personal opinion, very young children should not read Harry Potter. I think it's a series for "older" children and was originally intended for adults.

    Not all JW's care about that sort of thing, anyhow. I was allowed as a kid to watch the Smurfs and other Disney Movies and I was an elder's daughter. It's called fantasy and all children are entitled to that, period. Not all JW parents are that extreme, but sadly most are.

    I myself cannot WAIT for the movie. I am SO excited!

  • bboyneko

    Do you have ths invisibility cloak harry potter? Hes hard to find.

  • Sirona

    Hey I saw it yesterday!! (a special preview showing)
    Its really great!

    JWs I know are saying that fantasy is OK ... I pointed out the witchcraft connections (since they always point them out to me) but its the old "jws can apply the rules when they want to" scenario.


  • rem

    My sisters-in-law's parents said they don't want the girls seeing the Harry Potter movie because it is spiritistic (how superstitious are these people?). So the girls are gonna come up to our place in a couple weeks and see it up here. hehe


    'A scientific opinion is one which there is some reason to believe is true; an unscientific opinion is one which is held for some reason other than its probable truth.' - Bertrand Russell

  • MrMoe

    Yes I do bboy. I also have Remembrall Malfoy, who is even harder to find. Still need Professor Dumbldore. I got them on e-bay. I have other Harry Potter toys, too. I am bigger on 80's toy collecting, though.

  • bboyneko

    Moe, I just got a 1984 Gizmo with his tags all attached and even the original pricetag of $19.99 (in 1984 money that must be like $30 today ouch) I got him for only $3 at a thrift store. Hes cute. I got some thundercats lunch boxes, aall the he-mans, wuzzles, popples, and tons of my little ponies (saffrons collection) and rainbow brites, mostly from thrift stores. Cool huh? Yeah the remembrall malfroy is hard, the two other limited edition ones I havent even seen!

    I mainly collect todd mcfarlane toys, the best damn scuplting on the planet.

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