Dear Moxie,
I could have written your story it sounds so much like me. It's like I don't even recognize myself anymore sometimes. You are absolutely right that it has to do with the rejection we have suffered from everyone we believed to truly love us. It hurts beyond comprehension to deal with this kind of mass rejection, and I think we have lost our faith in humanity on a personal level. The fear of feeling this same pain all over again is too great, and it is just easier to hide. But it's not easier. It's suffocatingly lonely.
I too am 26 years old, and I was disfellowshipped when I was 19. I used to make friends easily and love to go out and be with people. My family used to be really close and love to be together. Now my family is divided and miserable. All because that is what Jehovah would want (yeah, right). During the last three years of my life I have come to accept a lot about my circumstances, and find peace within myself. But some of it is harder to overcome. Making new friends and learning to trust people again is one of the latter.
I think Hortensia's advice regarding long walks is very good. This has personally helped me greatly. Any kind of physical activity helps blow off steam and fight off depression. Just clearing your head and getting fresh air does wonders for my well-being.
I think maybe you didn't find the right therapist. I am alive today because of my decision to go to therapy and following through with that decision. Don't just settle for someone, but do research and find someone you connect with. Being angry isn't a permanent feeling. Sometimes we need to work through our anger and let it surface and deal with it in order to move on. I know I personally had to do that. Otherwise you are just avoiding it and suppressing it. It is still there, but it is just buried. Dig it up and deal with it so you can get rid of it for good. So you can find the inner peace you so deserve.
I wish you the best, Moxie, and I want you to know that you are not alone. This community has been a lifesaver for me as well. My personal plan is to just be patient with myself, to feel my feelings (so if I'm sad, I deal with the sadness, I cry many times over the loss of my family, and then I move on for that time; the feelings ebb and flow but it helps to just deal with them as they come so I can move on), and to just keep reaching out to people. When I fail, I pick myself back up again, and when I'm ready, I try again. We don't have the choice over many things but we do have the choice to fight for what we deserve and get the most out of this life. In fact, I believe we owe it to ourselves.
Much Love,
P.S. I can tell by your choice of username that you have the spirit and courage to overcome this trial and to become the real you, the person you are meant to be. Just hang in there, Girl.