'I can't wait for the new system to come where JENNY (Name changed, my wife) and I can get new husbands"' That would have set me off. Wanting her husband dead, and her friends husband as well. She's a murderous b(*&%^. Why would her husband stay w somebody who wants him dead? S
Well, we went out after the memorial....
by megawatt 32 Replies latest jw experiences
I'd probably be having a serious talk with my wife about what information she's potentially been sharing with this person to prompt her being included in that snide remark.
What was her reaction to that remark? Did she follow the typical JW tact of passively agreeing in public and then trying to smooth it over with a excuse later to save face?
I can't wait for the new system to come where JENNY (Name changed, my wife) and I can get new husbands"...
With that attitude, it's more likely that her next husband will come with a rechargeable battery pack.
New husbands in the new system? what? I thought if the big A comes and you don't have a husband at that time you don't get a new one and if your husbands doesn't make it through you still don't get one. If you are married and both good little jw's you get to stay married. Damn, I always get mixed up on the spouse situation after the big A! what exactly is the thought on the matter today? Please explain, thanks much.
Wow, I just think your friend's wife just blurted out some deep-seeded 'desires of the heart' there. I'd say watch that marriage go down. She has no respect to say such an ugly thing, not funny at all.
I wonder what your wife said - how did she respond. Was she offended at being included in that remark? I like Billy the Bethelites recommendation - what a very inappropriate remark she made.
Its rare for me to say this, but I'm speechless! That bitch!
what dawg said
What a HAG! I can't believe she had the gumption to say that!
(Pick the most aweful elder) "Brother Elder already claimed you as part of his princely rights."
LMAO!!!! That's gross & awesome all at the same time....
There was silence for the better part of the ride home, and neither of us said anything about the subject till we got home and we were settled in.
I first brought the subject up, pretty much inquiring how much, if any of her thinking was in agreement with "new husband seeking" friend. She said at no point in time does she feel the need to have a new husband now or in the time of the "new system". Though, she was visibly upset that I brought up that topic in a public place, especially when other witnesses were an ear shot of our conversation, I felt that I was backed into a corner and felt compelled to respond to such an asinine comment. She pleaded with me, if I was to attened anything JW, that I must keep my comments to myself, despite what others might say. Great, now I must endure a censorship if I'm to associate with anyone witness for the sake of not causing trouble out side the KH. She knows me better than that...
Even though I heard the words come out of her mouth what I wanted/needed to hear, I wasn't satisfied with that. I felt something was holding her back in a sense, not being totally honest with me. At that point, I slept on it and worry about it next morning if i felt the need to say anything further.
I woke up sunday morning, (early riser, always) made coffee, went to play in the garage. Came back in the kitchen, drinking my cup of joe and I noticed she picked up the phone and went outside. "OK?" I thought to myself, something is going here. When the 10 min coversation ended, I asked her point blank, "who was that on the phone?", she answered, "oh it's "new husband seeking" friend and wondering if I needed a ride for the meeting. "Really, it took 10 mins to figure that out?" and she came back with" why are you being SOOO paranoid?" I never gave her a response back. "Besides, they're fighting anyways and rather not ride with them while they're having an episode". So she went to the Sunday meeting by herself.
Well, about 2 hours later, which would be about the time in between the morning talk and the watchtower portion of the meeting, I received a call on my cell. It was my good friend, and he asked " SO, how did your night turn out?" I kinda LOL, and said "yeah, I had to bring it up and see if jenny needed a replacement husband in the new system. Maybe she'll get lucky, and score a new husband in the new system that'll be packing 12 inches." We both LOL, but the tone was serious real quick. "Look man, My wife basically laid on the line that I was to not have ANY association with you whatsoever, or she'll have her bags packed". Which I camly replied "Look dude, I really don't need this to go any further than us discussing WTS doctrine amongst ourselves, if it's going to jepordize your marriage, I can deal not hanging with ya' for a while, if you need to lay low." The phone call unexpectedly ended.
A few minutes go by, and it's him again, "Man she came outside and asked if I was talking to you and I had to hang up, sorry about that. I'll call you later".What kind of shit storm did I start here? At that moment in time, I really felt alone. When the wife came back from the meeting, I confronted her and basically said we need to have talk. I told her, I have no idea what's going on, but basically I'm already labled as an apostate by my good friend's wife, her best friend. "Do you feel strongly about these views, enough so that you have no ther choice, but to walk away from this marriage?" There was a long pause, which she replied, "Look this isn't easy, but if you cut out the WTS and what we have together, I really can't see life outside what we have, despite certain differences". This went on for about an hour, where she was teary eyed and upset, but not so much with me, but with what she went through growing up, her father passing away, dealing with JC's, well you get the point. She's at the cross roads and confused. She realizes that things are not added up and maybe the stress of being in that situation last night brought up emotions she's not used to dealing with, I was more than happy to hear her spill her guts and not have a fear of causing reproach against Jehovah. (1 john 4:1) In a nut shell, I gave the option of deciding whether she could be happy with with me not being a JW. I told her, if it's too much, I hate to lose you, but I can't force anyone to be with with me for not being "scripturally free". She reassured me she made her decision and regardless if I'm a JW or not, she'll stay with me.
Fast forward to monday, tonight a few hours ago...
We just had a conversation for almost 3 hours during and after dinner, where my better half freely spoke her mind about certain subjects re: the society's doctrine. She mentioned about Raymond Franz, the failed prophecies, past personal experiences, and some wierd dress code pamphlet for Bethel visitors that I'm not aware of. She's not ready, and honestly can't say she made decision whether or not to stay a JW.
All I can pray for if she can see what the WTS really is, and not be bound by it's doctrine.
Wish me luck this saturday though, MY MOTHER IS NEXT....
ps sorry for any grammar errors...
Wow, what a story. Good luck.