Well, we went out after the memorial....

by megawatt 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mkr32208

    someone posted the pamplet about 'how to dress at bethel' which I'm sure is being used (as I'm also sure was intended) to show the sisters how they should dress at all times! Probrably even being used to show that sisters should wear skirt to congregation get togethers too!

    As to the bitch saying "in the new system we can get new hubbies" I would have said "why wait just get the f%ck out right now!"

    When I first faded my wife was heading out to the meeting with her mother and a friend and her mom said "aren't you worried about G finding another man at the hall" to which I replied "not really, if she's a whore I would rather find out now than later..."

    See open full on aggression has always worked for me!

    Good to see that the wife is starting to wake up too... Just be patient with her and try to find lots of fun stuff to do together with her.

  • kurtbethel

    Wanting the husband to be eternally destroyed just so she can shop some new meat?

    I never saw that one in the Christian handbook.

  • SPAZnik

    amazing how shit makes for the best fertilizer, hey.

  • JK666

    This is what they really think when the "love bombing" wears thin! She is a little slice of heaven.


  • Hope4Others
    She mentioned about Raymond Franz, the failed prophecies,
    dress code pamphlet for Bethel visitors - www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/155042/1.ashx by karvel

    Curious as to where these thoughts came from? Been having the odd conversation?

    Wishing you the best through this


  • Panda

    WOW you are in for it now! Within a week everyone who is anyone will know what an evil man you've become. How could this happen? Well of course he must've always been this way and now Jah is weeding him out. good grief.

    A very good friend and fellow RegPio would mention that someday she would have the pick of the single brothers once her husband was out of the way. Then I recalled having heard similar comments in my dub years. Many sisters talked about the new system remaking their old husbands OR getting a fresh start with a new guy, because maybe their spouse wouldn't be around. Very sad when abusive speech is considered "OK" in dubdum but WTS forbid normal expressions of passions between spouses.... good grief I'm glad to be gone.

  • 95stormfront
    "Look man, My wife basically laid on the line that I was to not have ANY association with you whatsoever, or she'll have her bags packed". Which I camly replied "Look dude, I really don't need this to go any further than us discussing WTS doctrine amongst ourselves, if it's going to jepordize your marriage, I can deal not hanging with ya' for a while, if you need to lay low." The phone call unexpectedly ended.

    What a Wuss!!!!

    If my wife said anything like that to me, I'd have taken her ass home on the spot and packed her bags myself!

  • 95stormfront
    When I first faded my wife was heading out to the meeting with her mother and a friend and her mom said "aren't you worried about G finding another man at the hall" to which I replied "not really, if she's a whore I would rather find out now than later...

    Full on aggression at it's best. It took me awhile but I eventually determined that that was what it took when dealing with my wife and her JW family. Put them on the defensive and keep them there.

    always bring the offensive "A" game

  • Deidra

    I agree, what a story. Good luck and stay strong. I'm glad you stand up for what you believe just like the JWs do. They defend their doctrines to death. We should do the same. I can sympathize with you when you said you felt lonely. If you stick with your guns, the JWs will make you feel lonely more times than you can count. Stick in there. Your "spiritual freedom" is worth it -- leaving spiritual slavery and bondage. When you're ready, pray that God will direct you in the right direction. He did it for me, he'll do it for you. The witnesses should be ashamed of themselves, but they're not. Those two women, their behavior was just downright ugly. Being a wife myself, I would never talk negatively about my husband to others. I love him too much. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for representing us and speaking your mind.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    That really sucks about your friend not being able to hang with you. My good friends wife recently did the same thing because I spoke out publicly on a myspace blog....she was all good to stay in my house and drink my beer but the moment I make fun of JW brass thinking I'm evil. Anyways long story short she ended up cheating on my friend. So it just goes to show usually if someone is being a punk/bitch the dirt come up and their caught red faced. Good luck with your wife though, at least it seems she loves you for you.

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