For you non believers. I too used to think this a lot of bull, untill I did a lot research on it. There are thousands of pictures of these chemtrails that you can find youselves on the internet. But even then I had my doubts, because I'm like most people, I want to see for myself, and so about two years ago It started to happen over our area in northern california. It is the craziest thing you will ever see. They usually start early in the morning and go on all day. The trails first look like contrails then grown into a very large cloud/myst. What was to be a clear day becomes very dreary. I have counted up to 50 of these trails within a few hours and they create all kinds of designs but mostly crisscross patterns.
I brought it up to my wife and relatives and friends and they thought I was nuts, so I would call them when it would start in the mornings, they no longer believe I'm a nut. You have to look to the sky as some have said. People just do not look to the sky anymore. If it happens over your area there will be no doubt in you mind then.
There are lot of theories about what is in the trails. I myself have not formed an opinion yet. Just type chemtrails in google , there are thousands of pages on the subject. My sugestion is to first just look at all the pictures and then read all the other stuff if you are so inclined.