Chemtrails UPDATE

by What-A-Coincidence 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • GermanXJW
    I'm like most people, I want to see for myself,

    No, most people do not want to see for themselves. Most people usually relie on people that say that they haved checked for them.

    EX-JW might be different. I for example get very suspicious when people push like WAC, For the time being, I have checked what I could. I will let you know when I get a reply from the German politician.

    Of course, you still have to see for yourself.

  • mkr32208

    Its the shadow people run run run! ahahahahahahaha....

    Such retardicons...

  • crazyblondeb

    Sorry Bro., this is all very old news for me.

    If you try and do anything about it, you will get the "Randy Weaver" treatment.


    OMG..............It breathes!! 'bout time you made an appearance!!!!

  • WTWizard

    There is a web site called that has much more information on chemtrails. It also has information about many other things, ranging from cell phone towers controling your thoughts, to alternative medical treatments being made illegal, to AIDS and Ebola being products put in vaccines allegedly for smallpox, to global warming due to us moving from Sagittarius to the Milky Way (and in a hotter region) to oil not really running out as was once thought.

    I suggest reading it. However, I would not necessarily take it at face value. Doing more research on particular topics with independent sources will help you form better opinions and possibly closer to the truth. And I wonder if any of the devices that they sell to clean these things up actually work, or if they are a waste of some $500 each.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    I heard about the chembusters. Costly though ... I guess I can build my own. I'll make sure I wear my tinfoil hat before I work on it '-)

  • GermanXJW

    As I promised to come back: the German politician from the video replied to my e-mail. He forwarded me the official reply to his inquiry and explained that they admitted the use of 'chaff'. He emphasized that his inquiry was about 'chaff' and not chemtrails which he considers a conspiracy theory.

  • BurnTheShips

    The acronym for What-A-Coincidence.



  • What-A-Coincidence

    "Details from documents Cybercast News Service obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show that scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Savannah River National Laboratory in Aiken, S.C., are conducting limited tests and developing computer models of what might happen if a huge amount of particulate matter is shot into the stratosphere."


    How the U.S. Government Exposed Thousands of Americans to Lethal Bacteria to Test Biological Warfare
    LEONARD COLE: The test in the subways was in 1966, and it was part of an experimental program that lasted 20 years, beginning in 1949, ending only in 1969. During that period, the army acknowledged that some 239 vulnerability tests had been conducted in which large numbers of people, of human citizens of this country, were exposed. They emphasized that the materials that were used to simulate anthrax and other deadly organisms were harmless. But in my research, and in the work that was published in the book, it was very clear that some of the materials were not totally harmless, that when you expose a million or 2 or 3 million people to relatively harmless materials, you still have a certain segment of the population that would be at risk.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    Sorry folks.... chemtrails definately debunked...all here:

    - EL WAC-O

  • kurtbethel

    I have several hundred photos of aircraft trails taken since 2000.

    The way I model what is happening with this is to establish what would be normal if the official explanation is accepted and then look for variations from what would be normal.

    This came to my attention in 1995 when I saw a large "X" over San Diego in a clear August sky. So I asked myself what was likely with that. Was there only two aircraft flying that day and they happened to be at right angles while turning their engines on to make the pattern and then shutting them off? Or was there a usual number of planes that were not spraying a pattern and two that were doing something unusual? You may see that the former model was very unlikely.

    This kind of activity started picking up a lot around 2000 and was intense from 2002 onward. Again, I see certain patterns of action and ask myself if a few things I see are likely. Such as, what airlines make money by flying U turns and retracing their path? Have you ever been on a jet that cuts its engines on and off? Even if a rare jet were to make a U turn, what are the odds of two jets approaching head on and BOTH making U turns? I have seen and documented this.

    I can not say much about weather mod, bio warfare, sedation or any of the other theories floating around. I can say that with a large body of documented observations I have personally made I know there are aircraft flying above that emit some substance that does not appear or behave like water vapor.

    I have no interest in kook theories, but would like to get an explanation that fits the observed facts. Denial would belong way into the kook category.

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