much trouble... Or, things to do at the mtg that will raise eyebrows but won't get you into to much trouble.
I've been thinking about this since I still go. I'm surprised at how much a person can get away with if they are in a hall that they have no family in that particular kingdom hall...
At the memorial I put on so much dark eye make-up I was shocked my husband didn't say anything walking out the door. Instead, I got compliments, lol, not exactly what I planned on...
One of my friends who faded went to the memorial and she had a pretty low cut shirt on. Nobody said anything...
I was thinking of wearing my speghetti strap dress during the summer... That's a big no-no...
I also sit with hubby when he's doing sound... I wonder what they would do if I sat with him while he did attendance... lol
Ok, so what other ideas do you guys have?