JW weddings gone bad. A story from my old congo.

by uwishufish 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisavegas420

    this was in the 70's in a Sacramento CA, congo. A sister and brother get married at the KH. Everything seems to follow JW protocal up to this point. They split up on the wedding night during the honeymoon, and are never seen together again. The rumors went on for years, never did hear what really happened.

    Story #2 also in the 70's, Hayward CA. A young couple are engaged to be married, a few days before the wedding, the son dies in his sleep from heart failure. The groom-to-be's mother, insists that the young girl NOT move on with her life, and to stay single....as the end is sooo close that she is sure, that Jehovah will make an exception for the two of them and allow them to be married in new system.

    Always wondered what happened with these people.


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    This is more funny than the story of a ceremony gone bad. This young couple were thrust together in West Sacramento in the Early 1990s. He was very much a quiet and shy person and she was pushy and domineering. A match made in spiritual paradise huh! You could tell he was unhappy but the overlords were pushing this union hard. So, during the wedding ceremony he was sitting across from his bride up on the platform and repeating the vows the overlord was telling him to. As he spoke he was looking at his shoes, then back at the overlord that was conducting his wedding and repeating vows when all of a sudden his bride screamed at him, "MIRA ME!" in Spanish....which means LOOK AT ME! LOL

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    There was couple that my older brother was friends with. One was an immigrant with a drinking problem and the other was a girl who had been married like 3 times before that and she was only like 23 or something. Needless to say after numerous warnings from everyone about her about 3 months later she was filing divorce papers and ready to marry some other joker.

  • sacolton

    I attended a JW wedding where the bride was in her early 50s and the groom was in his mid-20s. Isn't love grand?

  • ferret

    Yea mine


  • OnTheWayOut
    I attended a JW wedding where the bride was in her early 50s and the groom was in his mid-20s. Isn't love grand?

    I was at one of those. This mid-20's white guy married a late 50's black woman.
    She was very heavy and he was very thin. He looked yuppie and she looked working class.
    They told us that people stared at them because of the racial differences.
    I didn't bother to say that people stared at them because of many other differences.
    You would think she used to be his nanny at the mansion or something.

  • Inquisitor

    Couple holds wedding ceremony and reception in hotel. Not a bad one too. Modest sized hotel function room was rented for this purpose. Nicely decorated, silver/blue ribbons and all. Elder who was meant to give talk was running late. Audience was told traffic was bad. After another half hour or so. Audience was told that the elder was a no show!

    The elder stood them up!

    Now damage control was to give the audience the impression that the elder was simply stuck in traffic for too long and so he didn't show up in the end.

    But those in the know learnt that the body of elders made a last minute decision that this couple does not deserve a "theocratic" wedding talk. Why?

    The young groom's landlord (JW family) told the elders that he had once been found with his fiance in a "reproachable" position.

    Now here's the thing:

    (1) They obviously did not "fornicate" cos they were never reproved. (And if they did, who gives a f***** f***>)

    (2) Their alleged offence occurred ages ago. It wasn't the week before the wedding. It wasn't the month before the wedding. So who is stuffing things up? The Judas'? Or the elders? Did the expose come in a bit late? If so why? Or did the elders know all along and were dragging their feet about what to do? If so, why?

    In any case, it was truly poor form.


  • nomoreguilt

    Young couple from our hall, my son's good friend, nice kid, had some teenage hang ups from childhood. He and his young bride, same age, went on their honeymoon. About a couple of weeks later, he gets df'd. She stayed with him.

    Seems as how during the honeymoon, he went out and got himself some oral sex from a local hooker........

    Now, if you will go back to my very first post, he is the young teen that was the victim in my post.


  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    One brother who had spent some time dating a theocratic chick had to go and see her Father .The Father said to the brother "you will marry our Katy or else." To which the young man replied "well let's have a look at your Else."

    Another time during a wedding ceremony The words "do you take this sister to be your lawfull wedded wife" were uttered.The groom replied "would you ?" and the officicate said no of course not to which the groom said "well why you asking me then?"

  • aniron

    Having read through these wedding stories I've been thinking "We had one like that and one like that and one like that....Know of one like that."

    Elders daughter marrying Min Servant. Elders daughter 6 months pregnant they only got reproved. Also later discovered that the Min Servant was having affairs with women. here, there and everywhere.

    Sister marries a brother, who had been married before and divorced. Afterwards sister discovers the guy is incapable of having sex. Which is why his first wife divorced him, and the Elders knew all about it. That one was the subject of a TV program.

    Brother and a sister in early 20's get married. About a year later its discover husband been having an affair --- with the guy who had been best man at wedding.

    Its all more cases showing that JWs are no different than any others when it comes down to all.

    Just that the WT like to keep it all under wraps and present the "clean and pure" front.

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