What Does An Ultimately Cruel Universe Reveal About God?

by hamilcarr 88 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hamilcarr
    Are we supposed to ignore requests made for viewpoints in your future threads?

    You seem to miss the point.

    The universe is visible, isn't it? This thread is on how we can discover God by observing nature, not about how nature could possibly be. If you want me to reply what would happen if reality were different is a senseless question, because we have no possible norm to test the accuracy of our answers. The answers to the main question of this thread, on the other hand, are perfectly justified because they are about the reality as it is, no possibilities involved. Whether you call this visible revelation Jehova, Allah or Jahwe is another question beyond the subject of this thread.

  • hamilcarr

    "We are Gods enemies"

    Has any christian ever considered the possibility that humans may be good and therefore don't need redemption or is this positive, all-embracing philosophy a privilege only for non-believers?

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith
    So, according to Perry, Perry happens to know what God thinks. He knows why God does what he does and why we all suffer. My Perry what a wise man you are! Do tell us, what is your proof that what you say is true?

    Perry replies, "Duhhhh, (slobber coming out of his mouth) "derrrr, this book over here say dat da big monster in da sky is just giving us what we deserve. I belieb it cuz my pastor say so, and dis book over here say it do. Duhhhh."

    I smell a dumb redneck.

    I'm sorry, but this made me shoot Diet Coke out my nose. Priceless.

  • Perry

    Let's review your original question since there seems to be some confusion here.

    I would love to hear from some of the resident fundamentalists on this one...

    Why did got create a achingly beautiful, but ultimately cruel and twisted universe?

    Your question assumes that that the universe is "twisted". I presented vast evidence on a website showing that it is not twisted but finely tuned to such a degree as to be far beyond ultimate human comprehension.

    Your question also assumes that the universe is cruel. I presented a website that goes into great detail discussing if our universe can be characterized as "cruel"..... all based on observation and scientific data. Here: http://www.christian-thinktank.com/pred2.html

    The only other meaning that your question could assume is that of human suffering which I addressed myself. The logic of the bible is that human suffering points to a God who considers us his enemy. Admittedly, It could also point to a God who is indifferent. It cannot however point to a God who doesn't exist since the question itself assumes his existence.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog
    Why did got create a achingly beautiful, but ultimately cruel and twisted universe?

    To show His grace.

    For me, the fact that God allows anyone to live anywhere but hell (which is what we deserve), even if it's for a short time, is proof of His grace. For many, this may be as good as it gets. I don't believe He owes anyone heaven. Adam proved that man would always choose evil over God. Why God saves any, is the mystery.

  • hamilcarr
    Your question assumes that that the universe is "twisted".

    My question assumes the universe is cruel, I deliberately didn't say (or better: copied from Inkling) that it's "twisted" because I anticipated the finetuning argument.

    It cannot however point to a God who doesn't exist since the question itself assumes his existence.

    Why would that be?

  • MissingLink

    More and more I think Texas must be a magical place. I must get over for a visit there some time.

    Maybe there is no evidence of cruelty in the created world in Texas. Praise Jebus.

  • Perry

    I would love to hear from some of the resident fundamentalists on this one...

    Why did got create a achingly beautiful, but ultimately cruel and twisted universe?

    The question you posted up above for everyone to reply to includes the words cruel and twisted. The proof is on page one. How then can you say :

    My question assumes the universe is cruel, I deliberately didn't say (or better: copied from Inkling) that it's "twisted" because I anticipated the finetuning argument.
  • real one
    real one

    Deputy Dog, i agree. but only believers will understand this. Thats why these people have so many problems with God. They dont believe. and like Jesus said if someone were to come back from the dead that they know and tell them about God they still would not believe!

  • MissingLink

    Is this thread some sort of dumba$$ magnet?

    Perhaps I should stay away in case it's catchy.

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