No- unless you could go back far enough to consider my semitic dna. Time for you, BTS to do some research on your own as to what Jews believe and what religious label they might accept for themselves.
Pardon me. You sound as if I am making an accusation. I have a very strong familiarity with modern Judaism in its many variations. Several of my very best friends are Refomed Jews. I have Jewish family. On my mother's side I am descended from Sefardi marranos that were forced by the inquisition. There is a plaza in Cordoba next to the Juderias that is named for my family name on my mother's side. I seriously considered Judaism as an alternative to the JWs when I started to consider leaving. I have been to Temples and Synagogues several times for special events and the beauty of the liturgy cuts me through to the bone.
Please do not assume my ignorance.