Did the Bible really predict or say anything of substance?

by moshe 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BurnTheShips
    No- unless you could go back far enough to consider my semitic dna. Time for you, BTS to do some research on your own as to what Jews believe and what religious label they might accept for themselves.

    Pardon me. You sound as if I am making an accusation. I have a very strong familiarity with modern Judaism in its many variations. Several of my very best friends are Refomed Jews. I have Jewish family. On my mother's side I am descended from Sefardi marranos that were forced by the inquisition. There is a plaza in Cordoba next to the Juderias that is named for my family name on my mother's side. I seriously considered Judaism as an alternative to the JWs when I started to consider leaving. I have been to Temples and Synagogues several times for special events and the beauty of the liturgy cuts me through to the bone.

    Please do not assume my ignorance.



  • free2beme

    It is a some what history book, but not very reliable. I think, like many religious books of the time, it is more of a book of myth.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I look at the bible as the original self help book. The prophets of old were the original tony robins and napoleon hill of their era.

  • z

    I was going to answer your first post but after the second one I cool off look like we are family on my mother side at the time the run away to Turkey it was safe for the Jews…. I am a Jew and I don’t wear
    long dark coat. I believe the Bible is sometime nice story and must just imagination almost like “lord Of the Ring”
    I’m with Moshe ….my broader name is Moshe


  • BurnTheShips
    I was going to answer your first post but after the second one I cool off look like we are family on my mother side at the time the run away to Turkey it was safe for the Jews…. I am a Jew and I don’t wear
    long dark coat. I believe the Bible is sometime nice story and must just imagination almost like “lord Of the Ring”
    I’m with Moshe ….my broader name is Moshe

    Ah. Then we probably won't agree on much.

    Dos Judiyos, tres kehilot (two Jews, three opinions) ;-)


  • z

    Hahaha in Israel the say “Shalos nashim shoc”

    Three womens market

  • DoomVoyager

    Sure, it predicts something of substance.

    Isaiah 17:1 - " The pronouncement against Damascus: “Look! Damascus removed from being a city, and she has become a heap, a decaying ruin."

    That's a prediction of substance. Unfortunately, it never came true, proving that the Bible really is just the crazy acid trip of a bunch of ancient Jewish shepards.

  • oompa
    Moshe: Crazy 'ol Pastor Russell said that the sewing machine was proof of the end times, too. Imagine that!

    OK, I thought I had heard every crazy thing about our sordid past, but please give me the source of this doozy......thanks....oompa

  • oompa
    Otwo: Examine the entire OT and find some good guidance. Go ahead. There's some nice Psalms
    and Proverbs. They have some nice sayings, but they are not practical life guidance.

    Prophecy- You brought it up, so I feel free to speculate on this. Most scholars of the Bible (those
    who actually studied and learned stuff unlike the WTS scholars) believe that ALL prophecies were
    written AFTER the event they prophecy. NO EXCEPTIONS.

    Two points here my my man...Right away some practical life guidance popped into my head from the OT....1. Work hard, don't be lazy. 2. Go easy on the booze, or you will feel pretty crappy. I'm sure there has to be more.

    Secondly, I must confess to being a spoon fed born in, so never really did the Bible scholar research. I would find it odd if ALL scholars felt this way, but what is the best way to verify your comment?........................oompa

  • WTWizard

    The Bible is full of outdated, impractical advice. The Old Testament is full of rules and commands to make stupid sacrifices for no reason. The New Testament, except Jesus' actual teachings (and those cannot be taken literally), are full of guilt and more insistence for more sacrifice. Obey it, and you will be making sacrifice of value for no reason, and you will feel guilty for engaging in perfectly normal human feelings.

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