The vehicle question sucked. I left it blank.
I got 23% otherwise. That must mean I'm only 77% 'postate. Gotte work on that.
BFD- shoulda went with A&W's answer
by Tired of the Hypocrisy 145 Replies latest jw friends
The vehicle question sucked. I left it blank.
I got 23% otherwise. That must mean I'm only 77% 'postate. Gotte work on that.
BFD- shoulda went with A&W's answer
LOL, very cool
You are 10% Jehovah's Witness!
You have what Jehovah's Witnesses call a "rebellious spirit" and a "bad attitude". Even if you became a Witness, you would be a bad one. You'd probably talk to disfellowshipped people instead of shunning them like you're supposed to. You wouldn't blindly agree to every new teaching of the Watchtower. The only friends you would have at the Kingdom Hall would be the teenagers that think you're cool, and the other "rebels". The Kingdom Hall is not in the cards for you.
MMMMMMMMMMMMM, I SCORED 17% jw.....................and i'm living proof of that score LOL! cheers, bliss
having a 4 door & spending time with my kids did me in.
How do you view the Bible? | |
50% inspired by God | |
You're going to have to work on your faith. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Bible is fully-inspired of God. They believe that "the" Bible is the collection of 66 books found in the King James version. If you can't accept Noah's Ark, people conversing with donkeys, and people being executed for lying about real estate transactions, then JW's probably aren't for you. | |
What is the most important quality you look for in a church leader? | |
Honesty, Integrity | |
You might not fit in so well at a Kingdom Hall. Jehovah's Witnesses choose their leaders based first on quantities of service, then qualities listed in the Bible. Honest men of integrity that don't spend enough time in the door-to-door preaching work, or don't show up for all of the five weekly meetings will not become leaders among Jehovah's Witnesses. | |
How often do you feel like attending church? | |
Once a week | |
I'm afraid you'd have to increase your appetite for church attendance. Jehovah's Witnesses have five mandatory meetings a week, usually combined into three days. If you regularly miss any of them, you would be viewed as "weak". You wouldn't have many friends, since none of them would want you to drag them down. Attending only on Sundays would definitely get you labelled as an outsider. | |
How much of your time do you spend in recreational/family activities? | |
50% | |
Yeah, you're going to want to cut this way back. Between meetings, preparing for meetings, studying Watchtower books with your family, preaching to your neighbors, cleaning the Kingdom Hall, reading magazines, reading the new books released each year, and reading the "Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses", you're not going to have time for these recreational things. Maybe your spouse could drive to the meetings, and you could take up macrame? | |
What kind of vehicle do you drive? | |
4-door car | |
If your 4-door car is in good running condition, doesn't smell bad or make too much noise, isn't dirty or rusted, isn't expensive enough to make you seem materialistic, but isn't cheap enough to make you appear stingy, then you and your car will probably fit in nicely at the Kingdom Hall. | |
How do you feel about people controlling who your friends are? | |
It's none of their business | |
Among Jehovah's Witnesses there is very little that is 'none of their business'. This would be considered an attitude problem that you would need to work out of yourself as you 'put on the new personality'. Before you could be accepted among Jehovah's Witnesses, you would need to be willing to let them control who you associate with, what movies you see, what books you read, and even what sorts of intimacy you enjoy with your spouse. | |
How important are your family members to you? (Mother, brothers, cousins) | |
Very important | |
This could be a problem. If your family members are not Jehovah's Witnesses, you will be discouraged from spending much time with them. If you do spend time with them, you'll be expected to preach to them about your new faith as much as possible. If they are currently Jehovah's Witnesses, then you may be in for trouble if you ever decide the Kingdom Hall is not for you. If you join, then leave, they will not be allowed to speak to you ever again. | |
How important is it to you to have the respect of your community? | |
Somewhat important, I keep my lawn mowed | |
The Kingdom Hall might work out for you, since outward appearances are very important to Jehovah's Witnesses. They see themselves as representatives of God, so their clothes, homes and cars are kept neat and clean, so as not to reflect badly on God. Charity giving and volunteer community work is discouraged, though, as it impinges on time spent in the door-to-door ministry and money that could be donated to the Watchtower. | |
You view holidays as opportunities to: | |
Reunite with old friends and family | |
Jehovah's Witnesses view all holidays as inherently bad. There are different objections to different holidays, but in the end they are all considered inappropriate. Since Jehovah's Witnesses will discourage you from spending time with your relatives anyway, they will certainly not accept you spending holidays with them. If this is truly important to you, then the Kingdom Hall is not going to work. | |
If all your friends stopped talking to you because you changed churches, you would think: | |
"What is wrong with them? I can believe anything I want." | |
Jehovah's Witnesses join for life. If they ever decide to quit being Jehovah's Witnesses, all their friends that formerly called them "brother" or "sister" will instead refuse to speak to them at all, not even a civil greeting. If you prefer to reserve the right to yourself to choose your own beliefs without fear of being shunned by your friends, you should not become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. | |
Actually, I did the test again giving all the answers a Dub would give, just to see what it would say. Set your faces to "stunned" when you read this: LOL!
How do you view the Bible? | |
100% inspired by God | |
The Jehovah's Witnesses completely agree with you! Perhaps you'll fit in! Read on to see. | |
What is the most important quality you look for in a church leader? | |
Non-polygamist | |
Good news! Jehovah's Witnesses use the scripture at 1st Timothy 3:2 to qualify men as leaders. There it states that an elder must be, "a husband of one wife," among other fine qualities. So if your main concern is polygamy, the Kingdom Hall may be your new place of worship! | |
How often do you feel like attending church? | |
Every other day at least | |
It sounds like the Kingdom Hall might be just what you're looking for. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday there are meetings held at the Kingdom Hall. Every day of the week (especially Saturday) people meet to go out in field service, the door-to-door ministry. If you just can't get enough church, the Kingdom Hall is where you want to be. | |
How much of your time do you spend in recreational/family activities? | |
None | |
This is excellent for a Jehovah's Witness. If you have no interest in anything other than preaching about and reading Watchtower publications, if you consider meetings to be 'family activities' and summer conventions to be 'vacations', you'll find the Kingdom Hall to be your church of choice. | |
What kind of vehicle do you drive? | |
4-door car | |
If your 4-door car is in good running condition, doesn't smell bad or make too much noise, isn't dirty or rusted, isn't expensive enough to make you seem materialistic, but isn't cheap enough to make you appear stingy, then you and your car will probably fit in nicely at the Kingdom Hall. | |
How do you feel about people controlling who your friends are? | |
I would rather have my choice of friends dictated to me by others | |
This is a very strong sign that you will be more than comfortable among Jehovah's Witnesses. If thinking for yourself and evaluating people on their individual merits are things you are very uneasy with, the Kingdom Hall will be a place of comfort for you. You will be given a menu of friends, movies, books, television shows, and beliefs from which to choose. Special orders, unfortunately, are not allowed. | |
How important are your family members to you? (Mother, brothers, cousins) | |
Not at all important | |
This is great for people thinking of joining the Kingdom Hall. Jehovah's Witnesses will happily become your new "family", and encourage you to spend less time with your "worldly" family, labeling them "bad association". If you already don't care about them, then this won't be a problem at all for you. And when they get sick of hearing you preach at them all the time, they'll probably quit coming around anyway. | |
How important is it to you to have the respect of your community? | |
I don't care what anyone thinks of me | |
This is great if you want to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. You are likely to be laughed at for avoiding birthday cake at school or work. You will have derisive questions tossed at you, such as, 'So you'd let your kid die rather than give them a blood transfusion?' And you'll certainly be considered an intellectual light-weight when you scoff at carbon-14 dating methods and honestly tell people you believe evolution didn't happen. The Kingdom Hall's sounding more and more like your new home! | |
You view holidays as opportunities to: | |
Perform ancient pagan rituals in celebration of gods no one worships anymore | |
If you see holidays as simply continuations of ancient pagan rituals, the Kingdom Hall will no doubt seem refreshing to you. Nearly every holiday can be shown to trace its roots in some form or fashion back to a pagan ritual of some kind, thus rendering them forbidden for Jehovah's Witnesses. If you would like to have an excuse to excise holidays from your schedule each year, Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to assist you. | |
If all your friends stopped talking to you because you changed churches, you would think: | |
"I guess it's for my own good, I should probably believe whatever my friends believe." | |
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that their 'shunning' doctrine (called "disfellowshipping") is a loving provision from their God, Jehovah, and they are "helping" people to see the errors of their ways and return to God by shunning them. If you agree that conformity to the views of others is better than thinking for yourself, then you should probably become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. |
23%, ugh! I should've cheated like brinjen did, maybe I would've scored a zero too. At least I can take solace in the fact that I'm a worldly, selfish person for driving a 2-door car.
ugh, now I am going to go to bed. I'll probably have nightmares of my old pioneering days.
I scored 13% .... had to leave the vehicle question blank though. Apparently I'm too rebellious to fit in.