FUN TEST! I am 37% JW!! Post your percentage here plz

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 145 Replies latest jw friends

  • babygirl75

    I'm 23% Jehovah's Witness!

    You have some serious changes to make before you can be baptized as a Jehovah's Witness. Your attitude will likely get you labeled as a rebel. Parents will not encourage their children to hang around you or your children, unless there is reason to believe they can help you become a better Jehovah's Witness. It is unlikely that you will ever really fit in at the Kingdom Hall.


  • minimus

    I'm 37% too.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'm 10% because my SUV - "The Apostinator" - has four doors.

  • yknot

    Well that was funny !!!

    I am 40% because of the Bible and my 4-door ride............

    Your attitude will likely get you labeled as a rebel. Parents will not encourage their children to hang around you or your children, unless there is reason to believe they can help you become a better Jehovah's Witness. It is unlikely that you will ever really fit in at the Kingdom Hall.

    Man that pretty much nails my rep/ status since 1980!

    Bad, Bad, Bad Brother Landers for encouraging me and the other children to think for ourselves in order to save us from Satan's propaganda !!! Guess he taught us a little too well for the WTBS! People with minds of their own are not WT sheeple material.

  • oneairhead

    20% here, I am thinking of sending this to my JW wife. What do you think?


  • kzjw

    30% ? Daxm!!! And by the way, as I attend meetings on Sundays(not for long) the fact that they refer to me by only my last name without "brother" is in effect a term of disrespect?

  • MissingLink
  • greendawn

    33% but that must be due to some overlap of christianity with JWism, I give them very low marks as an org. I'd rather see it going down for good along with its evil mindset.

  • JimmyPage

    30%. Hilarious test. But a lot of truth to it.

  • Quirky1



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