I am going to say this as nicely as I possibly can, but it is too much to read your responses like you write them, and it just takes away from the overall response. I will say a few things that stick out at me.
I am very sorry. I respond as I do because I want folks to know exactly what I am responding to. Very often people post responses that have absolutely nothing to do with the statement made/question asked. Personally, I hate that.
Do you admit or even want to discuss illegal immigrants that steal people's identities and cause them harm?
Of course, I admit some illegals do that. And sure, I'll discuss that, so long as we also discuss legal immigrants... as well as regular citizens... who do the same thing. Otherwise, it would be hypocrisy, wouldn't it?
How many illegal immigrants have stolen someone's social security number and other parts of their identity and caused the life of the american citizen harm?
I truly can't say. I am sure some. But there are just as many who are now legal (who were illegal before)... and regular... who do the same. Yes? And they number even more. Yes?
What about all the rapists, the pedophiles (this I know about more than I want to comment on) that SNEAK across the border and harm children and women?
What about the ones that live right down the street? Next door? Who "legally" teach in our schools? Preach from our pulpits?
What about all the people that by your justifications don't need to check in anywhere and have free reign to harm american citizens - that's ridiculous.
What about the "all the people" who harm American citizens... who are legal... and/or regular? Again, Mohammed Atta was not illegal. And Timothy McVeigh with neither illegal nor an immigrant. Why aren't we afraid of folks like him?
How about all the drugs that illegal immigrants are trafficking?
First, I live in Oakland, CA, and so you have GOT to be kidding. It is NOT the illegal aliens I see standing on the corner "hustling." Second, I have very good friends that live in Siskiyou, Humboldt and Shasta Counties... and it ain't illegal aliens growing marijuana and manufacturing methamphetimine up there.
And if you have seen what has happened to environment and places with high trafficking illegals, you would be appalled - or maybe not.
I live within 10 miles of more than 20 oil refineries... and even more waterways. I "see" what's happening to the environment... and who's doing it.
And if you live in Oakland, then you must know about the Mexicans that are going around killing blacks without a second thought? Most of them are illegal and their plan is to exterminate blacks from Calfornia because this is their land? Do you support that? (All rheotrical at this point.)
WHAT???? What in the WORLD are you talking about? Where in the WORLD did you get that information? Girlfriend, in OAKLAND... the blacks kill the blacks, and the Mexicans kill the Mexicans. The Mexicans that are killing and being killed... aren't the "illegals." The Tongans are killing the Tongans, the Flips are killing the flips... and the white folks, well, the male criminals, anyway, are usually molesting and/or raping little boys, little girls, and co-eds. Truth.
I have read the ideology of LA RAZA
From whose viewpoint? Theirs? I don't think so. I think you have fallen prey to the same propaganda that undermined the Black Panthers. And I'm not surprised. But, just for the sake of argument, tell you what: "you all" get rid of the KKK... once and for all.. and then we can come back and talk about this. Anything else would be hypocrisy, wouldn't it?
and I have friends that live in Oakland as well, and only a few news agencies are telling the stories about all the innocent shootings to american citizens that are being done by illegals.
I LIVE in Oakland. East Oakland. In the Flatlands. If your friends are telling you about the shootings of innocent American citizens by illegals... they are lying to you. And putting totally unfounded and irrational fear in you. Tell them I said they are liars.
Sounds like you are justifying the slave class in this country. Let me be clear about something, you do not know me, I would do ANYTHING and I do mean ANYTHING to survive...
Including cross a border illegally?
I have done just about every job from the top to the bottom, including picking tomatoes for a summer job. The jobs you are referring to, have always been done in this country, even before the propaganda that you are repeating became this big push. Low skilled american citizens did the jobs you claim were not done. Hell if it pays the bills and I can take care of myself and my family, I will do ANYTHING. So don't give me that nonsense about what you know I won't do because there are a lot of american citizens with the same philosophy.
Okay, you're right... I don't know you. I DO know that today's "low-skilled" citizens aren't going to do it.
I think there needs to be a type of immigration law in place for every country.
I don't. I think people should be able to traverse the earth freely. Without borders. And that every citizen should offer a hand to every other citizen who needs it. Regardless of what "region" of the earth they hail from. I understand that there will be criminals and ne'er-do-wellers. Of course, there will be. But if there were only one government, fully united, then the WORLD would deal with such folk in a manner the WORLD sees fit.
People need to be checked for diseases that can spread to other innocent people, they need to check their criminal records, and they need to do a background check.
Indeed. But they shouldn't have to wait ten years or more for it... which it about the time it takes, now... and starve while they do.
This is a country of immigrants, people have been coming here and all over the world
It IS a country of immigrants! Indeed, it once proudly stated held up the words: "Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free." My, how progress and prosperity has changed us!
when people disregard these laws it places communities at risk.
You are always "at risk," dear Layla. At least, most of the folks I know are. Right now, many are losing their homes. Are illegals to blame?
Name me one country that doesn't have an immigration policy?
I don't know of any, but that's not to say all have them.
There's a reason for this and if I go anywhere or want to live, I respect the laws of that country.
Again, you're kidding, right? I mean, sure, YOU, Layla, may respect the laws of that country. "We"... however, have a HISTORY... indeed, a TRACK RECORD... for disrespecting other country's laws. Indeed, "we" run all over this planet forcing OUR laws... on others.
Any community that has a large illegal immigration issue is having horrible issues - there's a reason for that.
Yes: people are angry, scared, tired, sick, etc. I can see where that would lead to having "horrible" issues. Whenever people can't sleep peacefully... there are going to be issues. And if you're a person who has to live in hiding... chances are, you aren't going to sleep peacefully.
People go to other countries all the time for medical attention and intervention, but the issue is not about that, the issue is that a very rich country like Mexico, is not being held responsible for its citizens, the demand is on the US.
Then it is the country that should be taken to task... not its people. Or did I miss something about what Iraq and Afghanistan are supposedly all about?
Anyway, I spoke my peace, and we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
Or, now that you read my comments... maybe not.
By the way, paying taxes has nothing to do with being a slave.
Well, while it is true that some are slaves on a voluntary basis, taxes are not voluntary. However, one of the definitions found in Webster's for "slave" states: "one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence." I'm a thinkin' that since you ARE subservient to the IRS, a dominating influence, because if you DON'T file and perhaps pay your taxes, you WILL go to jail... most probably against your will... your are, in some sense, a slave. Your are not TRULY free. But I understand how you feel. And I have no doubt that you are one of those folks who think you SHOULD pay taxes, no matter how much "they" ask for (though you previous comment about Ted Kennedy would seem to belie that).
I am still free to think what I want and live how I want.
Ummm, again, not quite: while you may THINK what you want (and even that's questionable)... you are only free to LIVE how you want as so long as it does not go against what is acceptable to "them." IF, however, you chose to "live" in a manner that was anathema... you would not able to. I give you the FLDS (though, I don't necessarily agree with how they live!). Apparently, if you wanted to live in, say, a polygamist condition, that would probably cause you some difficulty right now. But that's just an example...
When I revolt I do so intelligently to make the largest impact.
In your opinion, perhaps...
Smart people operate beneath the radar, not drawing unnecessary attention by disrupting the system outright.
And here I go thinking Martin Luther King, Jr., was "smart," me and several other folks. Wasn't he the one who said that civil disobedience was not only right but REQUIRED... when injustice is being permitted?
Just thought I should make that clear.
All that you made clear to me, dear Layla... is that you have led a very sheltered life, one frought with the usual "they're all out to get us" irrationality. Perhaps one day you'll get out into the real world, though. If and when you do, I will certainly welcome you with open arms... and even hold your hand as we walk down the "scary" street.
I bid you a plethora of peace.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,