Do You Believe in Sanctuary Cities?

by sammielee24 47 Replies latest jw friends


    How do you know when your opponent is losing an argument about illegal immigration? Your opponent calls you a racist.

  • Robdar
    For the X-tians: "I want mercy not sacrifice."--Jesus. In other words, quit doing for Jesus before you've done for your fellow man and your enemies. Love your enemies. Work love toward all. You can't pick and choose. You must work good toward ALL! That is a true X-tian. Maybe some are not so Christ like after all. Preaching is cheap and that is why I'm not a Christian. I can't stomach the hippocracy. It's such a farce.

    Well, since you're not a Christian, why are you throwing Jesus at us? If his words don't matter to you, why should they matter to us? And really, the gall you have, not only telling us what Jesus said but telling us what he meant.

    Ya know, it might be nice if illegal immigrants showed a little Christian kindness themselves. Oh, and maybe show some respect to the country hosting them? A little less sense of entitlement would go a long way also.

  • Robdar

    Hi Aguest. Are you still good looking? Say "hey" to the magic jew for me.

  • SPAZnik

    I heart migrants. (Sounds like you've got a fine mess of fear on your hands, America. Does it come as a surprise? How'd that happen? What have you tried so far and, uh, 'how's that workin' for ya'? Is there anyone on the planet you respect enough to seek advice from on managing migration "issues" and handling domestic sharing "conflicts" with some measure of success? If things get too difficult, maybe you could petition the UN for some social assistance. It's okay. Everything's gonna be just fine. Don't you remember that you were once an immigrant too? Oh, wait, maybe you do. But, come now, that's completely different. Don't get me wrong. Paperwork sucks, man.)

  • inrainbows
    The jobs were done before and they'll be done again. Maybe if employers were forced to pay real wages and not hire illegals for 'slave' wages and no protections and benefits, then the prices would rise accordingly and the excesses would stop.

    Which is the point I was making bringing China into the discussion.

    The great American consumer will ALWAYS (and has always on a historic basis) put their wallet before their political principles. That is far from an American weakness by-the-way.

    So yes, you could have a KrystaalMaand where the authorities rounded up hundereds of thousands of people and intered them in camps or pushed them back over borders. Not particulary practical or acheivable, but you could do it.

    And then prices would go up. And the polticians who had forced through the 2nd ethnic cleansing of America would not be re-elected, as they would be blamed for the price rises.

    As the politicians know this, they will never do it, as under current political systems politicians don't exist to givern effectively but to get re-elected.

    That is simply an excuse for the greedy and corrupt to continue on their merry way by exploiting their fellow human beings.

    Yes, and like I pointed out EVERY person, American or otherwise, who take advantage of work done for less than a living wage is doing that, which means virtually all of us are guilty.

    It has nothing to do with race by the way. That's such an old tired reasoning most people just ignore it and move on. Again - it's got to do with THE LAW. If you believe in open borders then you cannot believe in the LAW.

    Yes, it has to do with race. Poor, badly educated Canadians integrate far more easily into American society than poor, badly educated Mexicans and other Latin Americans. So it has everything to do with race.

    Canadians are invisible (until the say 'eh' or 'about'). Mexicans and other Latin Americans are not.

    They are so visable to white American sensibilities Americans have created a term specially to describe them when Europe doesn't bother to use one to describe similar people as they are just seen as white European. Ignore this all you like, it is a fact.

    There are about 300,000 people in line with papers filed now for legal status in this country. If you believe in open borders, then you should be lobbying to have all the immigration services dismantled and every person who has paid to enter and remain legally, reimbursed for those costs.

    That's far cheaper than building a wall, so what's the problem? It's not a problem, it's an excuse.

    As for Mexico - it is a wealthy country in terms of natural resources and ability. At least half of the millionaires listed in Latin America come from Mexico. The issue is one of corruption and no taxes.

    And so rather than attacking the poor who try to escape this situation, the US should target those who CAUSE the situation. Why not deal with the cause instead of putting a band-aid over the sympoms?

    The Mexican government is selling so much corn to the USA for it's biofuel plans that the poorer Mexicans can't afford that staple.

    Ah, so blame the Mexican government for the Enviro-PR bullshit the American voters fall for. Where does the responsibility of the buyer come in?. Just like we should blame Iraq for the WoMD-PR bullshit the American voters fell for?

    Oh, do you guys need any International Monitors for the next election? They should be done with Zimbabwe by then.

  • BurnTheShips

    Being in a minority is not a guarantee that a person is not a racist, frankly it often serves as a foundation for micro-racism.

    Everybody is somebodies tool.

    Well OK, but that does not negate my main point. You're a tool too presumably.

    Burn, the Tool.


  • 144001
    How do you know when your opponent is losing an argument about illegal immigration? Your opponent calls you a racist.

    How do you know when you could benefit from introductory courses in logic? When you make conclusions based on irrelevant facts.

  • sammielee24

    Exhausting trying to explain something ....

    Yes, and like I pointed out EVERY person, American or otherwise, who take advantage of work done for less than a living wage is doing that, which means virtually all of us are guilty.

    It has nothing to do with race by the way. That's such an old tired reasoning most people just ignore it and move on. Again - it's got to do with THE LAW. If you believe in open borders then you cannot believe in the LAW.

    Yes, it has to do with race. Poor, badly educated Canadians integrate far more easily into American society than poor, badly educated Mexicans and other Latin Americans. So it has everything to do with race.

    Canadians are invisible (until the say 'eh' or 'about'). Mexicans and other Latin Americans are not.

    They are so visable to white American sensibilities Americans have created a term specially to describe them when Europe doesn't bother to use one to describe similar people as they are just seen as white European. Ignore this all you like, it is a fact.

    First of all my point was this.

    If a person, pays to be a legal resident of the USA, is forced to sit before the immigration officer, forced to pass by the armed guards at the immigration office, forced to submit to medical tests, forced to get fingerprinted, forced to undergo an FBI check, forced to remain in the country until they decide the outcome of your case and forced to pay again to have conditions lifted from the immigration paperwork - and then forced to do this inside a sanctuary city - don't you get the message?? A person who has a hearing in the immigration office of a sanctuary city, has to pass by the illegal people who are welcome to use all the services that same city has to offer and with no repercussion. That makes no sense at all.

    It does not have everything to do with race it has to do with the LAW. Not sure what you don't get by that. It is the LAW that dictates I have a legal drivers license. It is the LAW that I shall not work until I have authorization from the government to do so. It is the LAW that I am not entitled to a social security number until I have been approved to do so by the government. If we don't expect people to adhere to the LAW, and provide a sanctuary city for people to avoid those LAWS, then my point is either end the LAW as it sits or else punish the law breakers. No point in a law if you aren't going to enforce it.

    This is not in any way a slam against any other culture or people - it is a question of the purpose of a sanctuary city and most especially the location of immigration offices for people applying for legal residency, inside a community that embraces illegality.


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