So long and thanks for all the fish
I'm thinking that is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe.
by wings 104 Replies latest social entertainment
So long and thanks for all the fish
I'm thinking that is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe.
Is the "blonde...turban" quote from "Spys Like Us"?
woowee....we have a winner, 73, you guessed it.....Hitchhikers Guild is the one. That one takes me back, so Old School.
sorry, mrs w, wrong guess. hint: should be oompas favorite movie and we have already had some quotes from it....a Classic.
Oompa's favorite movie should be Willie Wonka, but I've seen the old one 100 times and don't remember that quote. Am I close? Is it from Johnny D's version?
mrs w, hint #2 oompas picture is Igor from what Mel Brooks movie?
Oh, crap. I completely forgot that.
It's Fhrhankenshcteeen...
YEAH, you Got It, Mrs W.....Young Frankenstein is possibly The Best Comedy ever. Of course there are lots of great funny movies but this one is in the Top 10.
Here's one from a fairly old film. Warning: full frontal nudity. 'shall we have a bathe, yes let's have a bathe'
Noone answered mine on page 3.
Noone answered mine on page 3.
I need a hint.
>> Noone answered mine on page 3.
You mean the long one, with all the "f*cking" in it? One of the most visceral comedic scenes of Martin's career! Loved it!
(Hint: That was a hint)