Yes, I noticed it last night in my DH when we were arguing. Acutally he kept his "cool' while I got pretty angry. Not recommended since they are trained to be even more zealous when facing adversity, in this case my temper, ha-ha.
Your JW Relatives Have 2 Personalities - Cult & Authentic- See the Change
by flipper 40 Replies latest jw friends
Also what another problem is which is tricky to get ones head around, is when you see duality in members of regular society, which sorta gives you that detached reality feel somehow. Maybe that's why it's sometimes tricky to integerate fully - because you sense they sense it in you due to your limited experience of their cultural experiences - plus you sense in them a network of ego that you dont have or can see through.
Oh boy!
What to do?
Ruth Eeker
I totally second with what Hope4others wrote!
I guess the hardest part is I've tried some techniques from the book on some family and the WT mind controlled wall they put up
is VERY very hard to break. Its exhausting and can back-fire.The regular personality can accept a fact while in discussion at that moment but once they go home...the devil/WT mind control
takes over and they turn on you and either rat you out for "apostate" thinking or tell other family members a twisted version of your
conversation and its just causes a $hit storm.To tell the honest truth i've given up trying....I'm bruised from the brick wall they put up and i think they will only
realize the REAL "truth" once the WT is burned down with all other false religion. -
You are right Ruth = The WT SUPER EGO is impenetrable unless they decide to psychologically forego it = in which case they have given up on the belief to a large degree!
Yes, with practice, the two personalities are distinct and noticeable. With practice.
With practice, I can flick a Witness in and out of their natural personality simply by changing subject. Here are some phrases that can flick them in to the natural personality.
"Remember when you used to..."
"You have always been a..."
"Imagine what it must be like for <that person><me> when..."
"That hobby must bring you a lot of enjoyment."
You can probably guess what triggers the cult personality. There are those events and "trigger words" that can still get you going today. Lately, the news hour can get my hubby ranting about the end times. Talking about ageing and death can similarly trigger him to talk about eternity and imperfection. The pope's visit (which my hubby religiously denies he is interested in) also can get him ranting the old Watchtower party line. Christendom this, christendom that.
I read that book, and it was a great help. I have noticed this switch with our family member. That's why, when I'm with this family member, I always try to talk about the "old times" when he was growing up. Showing old family photographs and movies is another GREAT way to bring out their "authentic self".
I don't believe the "authentic self" of the cultist can ever be totally stifled.
As I was reading this it occured to me the they are encouraged to "strip off the old personality and put on the new one" I have heard that term so many times while a wittness. If you think about what that means, it entails so much more than dropping a few bad habits, it's completly replacing you're personality with the one the WTS thinks you should have.
Great responses ! Interesting thoughts all of you ! thanks, I'll respond . Keep em' coming !
JIMMY PAGE- I understand what you are saying about your dad. My dad- being an elder shows more of his cult personality too- but he does show the authentic personality at times, when he's not impressing the brothers with his eldership ! LOL! I'll have to check out " Cult of Personality " on the lead guitar.
BABA YAGA - You are welcome ! It helped me - we need to help each other ! Peace and love to you too !
BOYZONE- It sounds like your dad really gets " cult controlled" where it affects his temper and emotions ! Wow! Interesting. But it's good he saw your worldly niece handle herself well as it was a good " anti-witness " for him. Just keep showing him love , as he's old , as I'm sure you do. He will see the difference in time .
JW FACTS- Exactly. You can see the " cult personality " come out when the JW relatives are defending their faith ! Blah, Blah, Blah.
SASS MY FRASS- Good point ! I feel a lot of us were different in our meeting clothes ! Then we could get home, get out of our meeting clothes - and magic ! Our authentic personalities came back when getting in our jeans ! LOL!
HOPE 4 OTHERS- Very true what you say ! It becomes more clear to us this personality change when we have exited the cult and look back at others in it still ! I've asked myself before , " Did I act like that ? "
MRS. JONES- Yes, I agree. When we are raised in it we think it's normal behavior going in and out of the cult to the " authentic " personality . It really is weird watching it in witness relatives. Peace sis.
R. CRUSOE- They definitely have their identity from the Watchtower and it affects their personalities. I agree when we get out of that personality after leaving the witnesses can be hard - as we have no cultural experience !
FE 203 GIRL- Thanks for the link to the radio interview !
TIKA- Well, I guess you saw your DH's " controlled witness " personality ! LOL! Who knows what personality you will see next though ?
RUTH EEKER- Ruth, I agree. I have got exhausted myself trying to talk with my witness daughter as she veers back into talking witness stuff ! I feel for you ! I've experienced that backlash and twisting of my words as well when talking to some of my " devout " witness relatives ! Hang in there sis !
JGNAT- Good suggestion, thanks ! I like these " authentic personality " suggestions ! Try to get the witnesses into positive memories . Good take !
LAVENDAR- It is god you use old experiences to bring out the " authentic self " in your family member. I too believe the real personality is still always there.
SEARCHING FOR FRIENDS- I agree. The witnesses teach their people to put on the " Watchtower personality" not " God's personality " ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper -
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Speak with innappropriate intensity and volume. His posture will typically be more rigid, his facial muscles tighter. His eyes will tend to strike family members as glassy, cold, or glazed, and he will often seem to stare through people . " Sound like any witness relatives you know ?
Sure does. Also sounds like most of the Schizo/Manic/Bipolar bears I have known. Either the cult makes people crazy or they attract the vast majority of them.
Tyrone van leyen
Very interesting flippy! When you are born into this, it is very hard to make the distinction of who the hell you are. I can only define myself by what I don't like, don't accept, and don't want. Eccentricity was definately one of my traits while in, but I had a lot of isolation and nothing to compare to in the sense of world exploration and self exploration. Emotional stifling might have been the cause of the eccentricity.
My shrink has told me I have two personalities. Not suprising. I went from left wing, with nothing but rules, to wild abandonment and debauchery. It has taken twenty years and things are now evening out, but the loss of time and sense of outrage, for what could have been, still leaves me reeling at times.
The encouragement, affirmation and support, for anything other than being a witness, just didn't exist in my family. For years I tried to do everything the opposite of what witnesses thought and did. I tried so hard to stay away. This met with great disapproval from everyone I grew up with. It was the only way I could exorcise my demons at the time.
Councilling is one thing, but there is no substitute for getting your hands dirty to aquire the life experience you were never allowed to have.
For those that are born in, and stay in longer and longer, the investment in "self", becomes too great to turn aound. I'm not saying it's impossible but I do beleive there is a point of no return. This is when they really have your corporate soul. It's like being in the same job for 30 years. After a while you accept that you have become institutionalized and are going to get your little pension and you accept it.
At least with a long term job there is some kind of pay off. The bad part of the witnesses is there is no pay off at all. It is all based of delusion and fantasy.
Not paying attention to who you are, what you want, and what you beleive, is in itself, cognitive disonnance. It will cause great pain if you ignore your inner pilot and follow the edicts of the corporation. At least in a work sense you can have your own ways and life to do as you please outside the workplace.
It is always good to remember. This is the "PERSONALITY CULT" of Joseph Franklin Rutherford. A very sick man indeed. It only stands to reason that being born into this, will cause great distress and unnatrual behaviour. Leaving actually means entirely reconstructing your worldveiws, in which case for some, the loss of self can lead to suicide or extreme deviancy, in which case I beleive some are better off beleiving there is a Santa claus and staying right where they are.
The emotional blackmail and subsequent loss of self is tantamount to the theft of ones soul for a corporate agenda.