This story reminds me of a door I called on one time out in service. The woman was convinced that angels were following her around because everytime she went by a streetlight in her car, the streetlight went off. Clearly a case of angels.
No. For anybody who knows anything about stretlights you know that they have light sensors on them. Often, when someone's headlight is maladjusted, the light from the headlight causes the streetlight to turn off. No miracle. No mystery. No angels.
This is a profopundly important story, (and a true one), because it illustrates that people only believe in angels or spirits when they are ignorant of some facts. If this person knew the technical aspects of streetlights, then she would never have even thought about angels when they truned off as she passed by. So... ignorance leads to spiritual explanations. This has been true since the beginning of time.
Our dear pathetic storyteller in this scenario, did not know that cop cars and ambulances had the ability to freeze or change stop signals, so he went straight from his ignorance to a spiritual explanation. Why? Because he just is not satisfied with simply not knowing why what happened happened. He must come up with an explanation because he is not comfortable in the position of honest non-knowing.
But what if we didn't have a scientific explanation for the poor impatient fellow. Would this then be permission to go speculating about angels, Whippowacks and Marglars? No. This type of speculation is what got us into the sticky business of religion in the first place. because the cavemen did not know what that bright light in the sky was, they made up a story that it was a guy riding a chariot accross the sky or (insert stupid made up story here.) It wsn't until many years later we knew the facts about the sun. stars etc.
Lesson learned: Even if we could not come up with a rational scientific reason for why something happens, that still is not a good reason to jump to angels, flippy flop monsters, gnomes, sprites, gods etc. Just because we can't explain something scientifically NOW does not mean that we will never be able to explain that thing by science. So why jump to the spiritual explanation before all other natural explanations are completely exhausted? Loneliness, not being able to deal with the fact that you are going to die alone in the universe with no god to welcome you home, being so attached to life that non-life is just too depressing, having psychlogical issues that haven't been dealt with and so on are reasons why people just can't wait... TO BELIEVE in something! OOOO it feels so warm and fuzzy to believe in something. Tell me a good story about a savior coming to make everything allright and I'll believe it no matter how stupid and ridiculous it really is. Just as long as I don't have to face reality in all of its harshness. Read me a story of damzels in distress and heroes slaying monsters and I'll drift right off to sleep. Anything but the cold hard facts... please.