by Terry 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Terry

    let's say ones thoughts and feelings on God have been tainted by the experience of the JW "religion"...seeing the error in their theology they chose to remove them self from that "religion". However after having studied the Bible and words of Christ for many years and learning the "correct way" of Christianity, they choose to keep their children from the Great Shepherd.

    Would that be a means of protecting them, in your estimation? And from what/whom?

    Let's take a look at the soundness of your premise, shall we?

    God, being God, can anybody prevent Him from reaching whom He desires to reach?


    Nothing can separate a sheep from the Great Shepherd's voice.

    So, relax.

    A secondary point.

    God is all-powerful and cannot be stopped.

    IF it is God's desire that no man perish---how can man stop God from saving him??

    IF man is weak, corrupt, imperfect and deceived by the world, the flesh and the Devil----

    Why would God expect this self-same pathetic, frail lump of flesh to make an intelligent decision in the first place?

    A drowning man only does one thing best: DROWN!

    Should the Lifeguard simply employ others to shout at the drowning person:"STOP DROWNING or you'll die!!"??

    Is this God's plan of salvation?

  • Terry
    They really don't want you to promote your opinion over the WTBTS dogma for one thing and if you wrecked your home by committing adultery then you are setting a very bad example , that sort of reasoning is used .

    Kicking sick people out of the hospital may prevent the spread of contagion. However, wouldn't an isolation ward be more to the point of even having a Hospital in the first place?

    If a husband commits adultry the sin is against the wife and family. It is the wife's call on forgiveness and mercy or divorce. The huband didn't commit adultry against the plumber in the third row of the Kingdom Hall who is told to shun him and never pray for him.

    The injured party is the offended party with the RESPONSIBILITY of either showing mercy (following Christ's example) or not. Having a group of third-parties make the decision for everybody else (non-injured parties) is over-stepping the purpose of Christianity in the first place.

    CHRISTIANITY is not a club for the perfect person who does nothing wrong; it is a hospital for sinners (not a museum for saints.)

  • still_in74

    Disfellowshipping has changed over the years:

    A personal friend of mine was DF'd for a time about 15 or so years ago. At the time of her DF she had kissed one boy and smoked one cigarette.

    Today I know of unmarried sisters with children, in one case - 3 children from 3 different men - and these have never been DF'd. The same friend of mine mentioned above could not believe the way these "sisters" were "dealt with" vs the Sanhedrin she faced as a teenager.

    I guess Jehovah has become more politically correct over the years and/or is afraid of getting sued. I agree with the general consensus that we personally decide whom we shun should they blatantly continue in sin. Jesus showed love and so do we. We can forgive their sin against us, Jehovah forgives the sin against Him.

    No human can sit on Gods throne and speak on His behalf. This presumtuousness amounts to self-proclaimed inspiration as a prophet.

  • Terry

    To this day I don't know the EXACT reason I was disfellowshipped!

    Nobody told me so as to spell it out.

    "Terry, you are hereby disfellowshipped for X."

    Nope. Never happened.

    I didn't even know I was in a Judician Committee meeting!

    I was too stunned to argue!

    Imagine me---too stunned to argue? Ha!

    That will never happen again.

    I cried for a week.

  • heathen

    that would have been a good time to mention the blood dogma as being an insane reason to df , anyway jesus did say that adultery was a huge no no in the new testament so it's not just the apostle Paul .You can even commit the sin in your heart and be liable for the gehenna .However I know a hall where they had an elder guilty of it and gave him six months anyway and then back to his elder seat. Unbelievable! The apostle Paul was an enigmatic writer and conflicts in his writings suggesting that certain things did change in the course of the early church .

  • easyreader1970
    Good points, Terry.....Paul's words hold much more weight than Jesus', though.

    And THAT is something I have never understood.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Easyreader 1970:

    I have been reading The Control of Biblical Meaning: Canon as Semiotic Mechanism by George Aichele - what this book does is deconstruct the conventional presentation of the Christian Bible as an expression of a single truth or meaning. The author distinguishes between the "canon" and text. There really is a great gulf between Jesus and Paul and once you look at the Bible as a 'construct' as opposed to a divinely revealed and inspired entity as a whole, you can see the blatant contradictions that all churches, including the JWs have to somehow integrate into their theology. I hope that makes sense - I am not at all good at passing this information on further but Jesus wrote only in the sand and we don't know what words they were. Paul did a TON OF WRITING and that's what we're left with. It really boggles the mind -

  • myelaine

    dear Terry...

    "Nothing can separate a sheep from the Great Shepherd's voice.

    So, relax."

    PRIDE has a way of seperating a man from God...correct?

    As for yelling at a drowning man...I would hope that someone would send actual help...which is precisely what God has done by sending out His ministers...correct?

    When the sea is boiling...there is an undercurrent that one has to watch out for...relaxing wouldn't be the best form of defense...correct?

    love michelle

    p.s. I sense you are trying the old bait and switch...correct?

  • heathen

    Jesus did give the keys of the kingdom to the apostle Peter .I think it fair to say that the holy spirit was to reveal the "new arrangement" pending the proper circumstances . Jesus did say he would send the helper of the spirit to the Apostles to direct them in their pursuits . You can see the transition from the mosaic law into the new covenant law which mostly left things open to discernment on an individual basis in the apostle Pauls writings. Of course he did change things as time went on .

  • Shawn10538


    edited for inappropriate language - Lee

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