dear Terry...
"The stray sheep is not disfellowshipped. The stray sheep disfellowships ITSELF.
The Shepherd will not abide the straying! The Shepherd knows the safety of the one stray is EQUAL IN VALUE to the safety of the remaining flock!
Stop and think about that equation!
The stray sheep is worth going after and is also worth the shepherd going away from the obedient toward this disobedient sheep."...
ok, I've thought about it and I've asked you pointed questions and now I guess I'm just waiting to know if you are too stunned to argue/answer or are you crying......
as always...all my love, michelle...xo
p.s. Please don't think I'm making light of your disfellowshipping...I cried for months when my book study was abruptly ended because of my pointed questions. There is no measureing the sorrow a soul can hold.