Brown makes statement about Laree

by mommy 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    And Osama Bin Ladin doesn't hurt "innocents" in his war against the infidils...................

  • hillary_step


    as you can see from the story ..these two were extremely we can conclude that the mentality they had is one of low self esteem and frustration. burn em fast and hard.

    When you reach the age of sixteen, you may realise that life is not as simplistic as you suppose. On the other hand you may choose to carry on being yourself, after all somebody has to play the rear-end of the pantomime horse.


  • NameWithheld

    Again, you have to realize the 'reality vrs what we say' aspect of JW-hood. Of course Mr "We're so squeaky clean you can eat off of us" JR Brown, Press Officer extraordinaire can trot out lot's of WT and other articles that seem to prove that JWs don't 'encourage' physical punishment. Of course, and JT puts it "Which way is the SOCIETY leaning?" All good JWs can read between the lines, not too mention the good old environment issue, as many JW children are the product of several generations of JW and the parents were raised by the belt, so too the new generation will be raised by the belt.

    Not too mention all the 'well meaning' sisters that preassure new parents into 'punishing' children for being children and doing things like playing at the meeting (o horrors of horrors, how dare they do THAT!). Or better yet the 'ones taking the lead' - read elders - telling the parents to get their kids under control and stop being a 'distraction'.

    The funny thing is that it's only a distraction since the freaking meeting is so damn boring that people would rather do ANYTHING than listen to the talk ...

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    More than likely Brown was trying to say JWs disavow abusive beating and that murder is wrong. Clearly JWs teach that corporal punishment is scriptural and sometimes needed. JWs also teach the scripturalness of capital punishment.

    *** fl 143 10 The Value of Disciplining in Love ***
    “Or a child may be like the servant described at Proverbs 29:19, one who “will not let himself be corrected by mere words, for he understands but he is paying no heed.” In such a case the child would need corporal punishment.”

    *** w97 6/15 30 Questions From Readers ***
    “To put it pointedly, in his written Word, God does not indicate that capital punishment is wrong.”

    Not to fuel a fire, but the following can not be dismissed as bad wording. It speaks to disposition.

    *** w52 11/15 703 Questions from Readers ***
    “Being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of God through Jesus Christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws. The law of the land and God’s law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship. However, God’s law requires us to recognize their being disfellowshiped from his congregation, and this despite the fact that the law of the land in which we live requires us under some natural obligation to live with and have dealings with such apostates under the same roof.” (Emphasis added)

    Okay, what if we were not limited or forbidden…

  • nytelecom1
    When you reach the age of sixteen, you may realise that life is not as simplistic as you suppose.

    the antis are really showing the typical stereotypes today..

    you have no information regarding my age..but if you look at
    past posts it is clear

  • ianao


    Darn. Now there goes my appetite. No lunch for me today, trolls are DEFINATELY a turn off!

  • hillary_step


    you have no information regarding my age..but if you look at past posts it is clear.

    I am not sure of your point here NYT, as my summation of your age is as a result of reading some of your past posts.

    As for 'typical sterotypes', please read your own post regarding fat people and low self-esteem.

    I am not 'anti' everything, I just do not suffer fools gladly.....Mr Gladly.


  • uncle jimbo
    uncle jimbo


    that poetic masterpiece Song Number 164 (Children - Gifts from God) says:

    "They are gifts from God
    He says use the rod"

    see, JR Brown is actually right. The Society clearly indicates a ROD is to be used, not a CORD.

  • nytelecom1
    as my summation of your age is as a result of reading some of your past posts

    just like an anti- see what you want and ignore the proof

  • alliwannadoislive

    how can you stoop to trivialising this poor childs death by bleating on about weight in such a purile and perverted way ?

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