just like an anti- see what you want and ignore the proof
Just like a JW - see what you want and ignore the proof
by mommy 23 Replies latest jw friends
just like an anti- see what you want and ignore the proof
Just like a JW - see what you want and ignore the proof
how can you stoop to trivialising this poor childs death by bleating on about weight in such a purile and perverted way ?
If you read this guy's past post, you will not need to ask any longer.
Like Hillary and Mr. T, I pity dis fool.
I do not know of any witness that would approve of beating your child. A spank now and then maybe, but never anything like this.
As flawed as the religion is like most, it is a shame that the worst JWs make the rest look even worse.
I feel bad for the girls siblings...to be forced to participate in this crime.
After advocating corporal punishment for years the Society has become careful on this. They even changed their Bible understanding and said "the rod" stands for parental authority which should not involve corporal punishment.
Background: In some countries i.e. Danmark corporal punishment has been forbidden. I think the Danish branch even did a campaign in national newspapers to declare they don't advocate corporal punishment.
And in Germany, judged are checking if the education of JW kids is damaging.