Burns, I've read your posts here, your interpretation of the Bible and the like... the evidence is here on this thread as to what you believe. I seen you finagle scriptures and much more trying to defend a position that can't be defended. And your right, my words are harsh... I'm a big boy fire away if you don't like it.
I don't believe in live and let live... I consider religion, and those who think they have some kind of hidden knowledge (A link with a God) that those of us in reality don't posess to be a danger to society. I've seen what believers can do with their nonsense, once they drop their logic, which all religions require as that is the very nature of religion, they do all sorts of crap that destroys social order. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating violence, and I've come to like many Christians I've met over the years... but I still think most of them are off their rockers and a danger to social advancement.
So, Christianity and all other philosophies that lead society to drop logic must be defeated; in my mind religion must be philosophically destroyed.
And I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings Burns, but anyone that believes in liter interpretations of the Bible are definatly NOT "very" intelligent... in fact they have a screw lose.
I say these things because I can see where you are Burns, and I actually think you're going to come out of this funk you're in of defending the Bible. And yes, I actually think you're too smart to believe any of it. So, if I have to offend you now to get you to come on board later, then so be it-I want religion destroyed just that badly. But I'll say it again, no person is "very" intellectual who believes the Bible. In fact, they've dropped intellect long ago and they are now "just believing" which is what faith actually is.