Much the same as my relationship with Santa....they're both cool in my book!
Your relationship with Jesus Christ
by real one 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
real one
Terry Jesus left us a charge. To preach the gospel. He will do with us as he pleases.
Hey Kwin! Thats not funny
real one
To all of you that complain about Jesus not answering your prayers first of all he does not listen to sinners, and secondly if you are doing God's will and your prayer is within his will he will answer you in his own time if you are persistant and patient. talking from experience!
daystar, those are hilarrious!!!!!!!!
What kind of a relationship are we suppose to have with Jesus Christ?
Barbie Doll
daystar------You have a PM
Quentin----You have a PM
He does his thing I do mine .
first of all he does not listen to sinners
But isn't everyone sinners?
To all of you that complain about Jesus not answering your prayers first of all he does not listen to sinners, and secondly if you are doing God's will and your prayer is within his will he will answer you in his own time if you are persistant and patient. talking from experience!
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" ;)
From your experience, how exactly did God answer your prayers?
Hey Kwin! Thats not funny
Sorry, but it's the truth. He'd be a better second baseman if he didn't reenergize the other team's players every time he tags them out as they're sliding into second. At least with him being in the outfield he's on his own.