Although I am an atheist and notorious smart ass I will try to give a serious answer. JC is an historical person who made an impact on his comtemporaries that grew (for many reasons, mostly political) into what we see today. Just taking at face value the things he is reported to have said, what is not to like? Beats the hell out of Muhammed. I don't think his pacifism is practical in the real world but who could argue with "do unto others...." as a good way to live. Bottom line, I think he was a bi-polar idealist with a religous fixation and if he only knew what impact he has had and how his name and 'image' has been exploited, he would shit.
Your relationship with Jesus Christ
by real one 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
White Dove
Real One,
By saying that Jesus doesn't listen to sinners, you just cancelled yourself out of the "Jesus hears me" "Jesus loves me" "Jesus saves" group because "ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD." So, why does Jesus even stick around and listen to prayers if he doesn't listen to the prayers of sinners?
He needs to go somewhere where there are no sinners so he can listen to their prayers.
Real One, THINK!
Jesus Christ is another god - one of many.
He hasn't been worshipped for as long as Isis.
The archetypal Christ Spirit is a wonderful entity, appearing to people of varying religions without any need to be "jesus".
real one
white dove i am imperfect and i do sin but i am not a sinner because i was made righteous through the blood of jesus.
White Dove
That's a beautiful thought. I never thought about it like that.
real one
Gregor. i hope you can establish a relationship with Jesus one day. Jesus is love.
White Dove
Real One,
Just what was the first question that was asked when you were baptized as a Christian? Didn't you have to admit something? What was that? If you are not a sinner, you don't need JC. I thought people weren't without sin until after the rapture takes them up and they get changed. This is assuming you got baptized in a church, not JW khall.
I think I'd feel closer to him if he'd make an appearance on this tv show with the rest of his friends.
He doesn't listen to sinners.
Freakin gold! He only answers prayers of people who are delusional enough to think their prayers are being answered.
The world's looking super! Good job Jesus! Keep it up buddy.
real one
white dove says:
Just what was the first question that was asked when you were baptized as a Christian? Didn't you have to admit something? What was that? If you are not a sinner, you don't need JC. I thought people weren't without sin until after the rapture takes them up and they get changed. This is assuming you got baptized in a church, not JW khall.
white dove, I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior. I repented for my sins. I believe he died and was resurrected. I made public confession of this. Because of this act I was born again. which means my sins were washed in Jesus' blood and i was therefore made righteous and acceptable to Jehovah. I did not say i was without sin. but i am not a sinner. a sinner is someone who has not been redeemed. i have been redeemed.
keyser soze
I'd like to go out drinking with him, get him tanked on tequila shots so he will let his guard down, and then ask him why his old man is such an evil bastard.