you know its funny how people on this board speak of how evil God is and how uncaring he is but if you read their posts you would think they would really be speaking of themselves. You guys post some horrific, mean,unloving stuff.
Your relationship with Jesus Christ
by real one 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jesus is pretty cool, I have no complaints about him. His father sucks, but Jesus did pretty good at fixing Yahweh's blunders.
But he just can't compare to Venat.
He was a REAL hero. His single goal was to free humans from the manipulating rule of the evil god Gerun, Venat had nothing to gain from this except the satisfaction of knowing that he did what was right. And he willingly died, gave up his ETERNAL LIFE, to free humankind... Not some fake die-on-a-cross-and-then-get-ressurected-to-immortal-life-again death, he actually ceased to exist. And he didn't demand that people worship him, or commemorate his death every year. In fact the humans at the time didn't even REALIZE what he did for them until it was too late to thank him.
Venat: He died for your god's sins.
Lore - W.W.S.D?
keyser soze
you know its funny how people on this board speak of how evil God is
I've read the same bible as you. His track record speaks or itself. You constantly defend his actions on the basis that he is god and therefore has the right. Having the right does not in itself mean that the actions are not evil or immoral. Not if you judge those actions by the standards of right and wrong that he supposedly imparted us with.
real one
keyser says:
I've read the same bible as you. His track record speaks or itself. You constantly defend his actions on the basis that he is god and therefore has the right. Having the right does not in itself mean that the actions are not evil or immoral. Not if you judge those actions by the standards of right and wrong that he supposedly imparted us with.
are you judging God, cause if you are im gonna leave you alone.
keyser soze
are you judging God, cause if you are im gonna leave you alone.
Not judging, I don't even believe in your god. I am merely pointing out to you that if he did exist, the way he has dealt with creation throughout history, and promises to in the future, in no way harmoizes with the loving, just and merciful god believers purport him to be. Read the account of David and Bath-Sheba's child, if you still need convincing. The bible is filled with stories of people who died at god's hand, not because their sins dictated it, but because his demands for blood needed to be met.
Keyser - you just don't get it because the spirit hasn't exposed himself to you. Keep praying and perhaps the murderous god of old testament will start to seem appealing. Then you'll be better off.
Having a relationship with someone who has been dead for more than 2,000 years has overtones of necrophilia. Creepy.
Millions of people will look you dead in your face and tell you eyeball to eyeball.... the man is still alive...... including Oxford professors..... including me.
May you have peace!
I would like to respond, if I may (if not, please just disregard), and will try to do so with the greatest of love and utmost respect. If it appears by my typing that that is not the case, I ask that you please give me the benefit of the doubt: I italicize and capitalize for emphasis only. I do not yell, shout or raise my voice... in body OR in spirit. It is simply not in me. So, if you can, please accept the following in the spirit of which I offer it... love and truth.What kind of a relationship are we suppose to have with Jesus Christ?
One where you and he are in union… so as to be/have one spirit. Such as a husband and wife are one flesh. Since he is not flesh, but spirit, it is with our spirit that become "joined" to him. It is this same kind of union that my Lord spoke of when he said, "I and the Father are one." It is this same kind of union that my Lord spoke of when he said, "Remain in union with me and I in union with you." It is where two... become one... so that each knows the heart... and mind... of the other.
1 Corinthians 2:16
It is a very intimate relationship, but much more like an old married couple than like newlyweds. It is based on and therefore produces within it love, affection, comfort, support, care, forgiveness... and even protection, when needed.That is why he is called a "husbandly owner" and we his "bride." Because he LOVES us... AS he loved his own flesh... and now AS he loves his own spirit. It is this union that allows a christian to be able to say, "This is TRUE" and "This is a LIE"... just as any husband who truly knows his wife, or wife who truly knows her husband... or father/mother who knows his/her child... or child who knows his/her father... could do.
To me we are suppose to be Christians. This word means follower of Christ. Witnesses to his works. As witnesses we are given the charge to go tell everyone about the gospel of Jesus Christ!
My apologies, but I have to correct you here: the word "christian," means "chosen/anointed person." It is taken from the Greek kristos, which means chosen or anointed (which is a kind of "choosing"). The suffix "ian" means "person." Thus, a "christian"... is a chosen or anointed person. And yes, although many, many call themselves "christian," unless they have received holy spirit and so been chosen/anointed by the Holy Spirit... they are false "christs."
I do not say this to undermine anyone's faith or cause doubt. I say it because (1) it is the truth, and (2) perhaps some, having now heard the truth, will now answer the call of the Spirit and the Bride as they say "Come! Take 'life's water" - the holy spirit of God - FREE!"
Revelation 22:17
Oh, and the word "disciple" is closer to meaning "follower" of Christ. A disciple is one who is trained by another, one who follows the teachings of another so at to be trained by it. Plato was a disciple of Socrates; Aristotle of Plate.To all of you that complain about Jesus not answering your prayers first of all he does not listen to sinners,
This, too, is an error, and a very serious one. It is, in fact, the prayers of sinners that God DOES listen to, through Christ. That is the very reason why Christ gave the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, recorded at Luke 18:9-14:
"Two men went up to the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee
and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and began
to pray these things to himself, 'O God, I thank you I am not
as the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or
even as this tax collector. I fast twice a week, I give the tenth
of all things I acquire.' But the tax collector standing at a
distance was not willing even to raise his eyes heavenward,
but kept beating his breast, saying, 'O God, be gracious to
me... a SINNER.' I tell you, THIS man went down to his
house proved MORE righteous than THAT man; because
EVERYONE that exalts himself... will be humiliated, but he
that humbles himself will be exalted."
Thus, my Lord is recorded to have said: "I came to call NOT righteous people, BUT sinners." Matthew 9:13
And why sinners and not righteous people? Because righteous people... have no NEED for salvation. Thus, the response is correct that:By saying that Jesus doesn't listen to sinners, you just cancelled yourself out of the "Jesus hears me" "Jesus loves me" "Jesus saves" group because "ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD." So, why does Jesus even stick around and listen to prayers if he doesn't listen to the prayers of sinners?
You also write:
i am imperfect and i do sin but i am not a sinner because i was made righteous through the blood of jesus.
That is true IF you have washed yourself in that blood, and to do that, you must drink it... and be baptized by fire. For blood atones for and cleanses sin... and fire purges all uncleanliness. That is why Christ... baptizes with fire... and holy spirit. Unlike John [the Baptist], who baptize with water (H2O).
Matthew 3:11
John 1:33
Acts 19:1-7
If these things have not yet occurred (and there is no particular order)... it is possible that your sin yet "remains." For although you may say you believe... and have FAITH in Christ's blood... you will not have yet EXERCISED that faith. The demons believe... and shudder.white dove, I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior. I repented for my sins. I believe he died and was resurrected. I made public confession of this. Because of this act I was born again.
While it is true that you may be in the process of being "recreated," dear Real One... you cannot have yet been born again. For the Body of Christ is born... at ONE time... all of us, together... when we are born... IN THE SPIRIT. True, we may have been CONCEIVED of God... by mean of His "seed"... holy spirit. But our birth has not yet occurred. The ONLY part of the "child" that HAS been born... again... is Christ, the Head. The REST of the seed of the woman is still be sown and conceived.
We know that we have not YET been born again, however, for if we had, we could enter into the kingdom on our own. Flesh with its blood cannot enter. However, he that has been born AGAIN... from the SPIRIT... can. It is that birth that we await, the putting OFF of the "soiled outer garment," the corruptible flesh that holds sin and death in it... and the putting ON of the "white robe," the incorruptible body... that lives forever.which means my sins were washed in Jesus' blood and i was therefore made righteous and acceptable to Jehovah.
Then all praise is due to the Most High God! That you were not "lost" is something even the angels cry out over!
I did not say i was without sin. but i am not a sinner. a sinner is someone who has not been redeemed. i have been redeemed.
Again, praise Jah! I must ask, however, since your faith is in the Bible, what do you make of our brother John's words at 1 John 1:8 that "If we make the statement: 'We have no sin,' we are misleading ourselves... and the truth is not IN us"? And what about Paul's statement that he was (present) a foremost sinner?
you know its funny how people on this board speak of how evil God is and how uncaring he is but if you read their posts you would think they would really be speaking of themselves. You guys post some horrific, mean,unloving stuff.
I admit, it is a bit hard to take at times (but certainly no harder than we are for them to take, yes?), and when God or Christ is attacked, one's spirit can become inflamed. It has happened t me. But don't worry about it - these are truly not as bad as it may seem they are. You know, that whole "bark is worse than bite" thing. You have to understand that we seem just as "crazy" to them as they seem to us. But folks like you and I need to make that OUR love remains... in SPITE of the chiding, joking and/or ridicule. We cannot let ourselves appear "Pharisaical" and we certainly cannot become "righteous in our own eyes," can we? Aren't we supposed to be happy when such things occur? We are. Matthew 5:10, 11
May you be granted ears to hear. In the meantime, I bid you peace, and I remain,
Your servant and fellow slave of Christ,
SA -
real one
keysor says:
Not judging, I don't even believe in your god. I am merely pointing out to you that if he did exist, the way he has dealt with creation throughout history, and promises to in the future, in no way harmoizes with the loving, just and merciful god believers purport him to be. Read the account of David and Bath-Sheba's child, if you still need convincing. The bible is filled with stories of people who died at god's hand, not because their sins dictated it, but because his demands for blood needed to be met.
I do not decide what God must do to be considered loving. He does as he pleases. I accept his righteous perfect rule!
real one
AGuest this is what i believe being born again means:
How does that come to be? Ephesians 2:8,9 states, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast." When one is "saved," he/she has been born again, spiritually renewed, and is now a child of God by right of new birth. Trusting in Jesus Christ, the One who paid the penalty of sin when He died on the cross, is what it means to be "born again" spiritually. "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation..." (2 Corinthians 5:17a).