Jesus had no DNA from Joseph.
A case could be made that Jesus was the son of woMAN.
But, seriously...folks.....
Here is the real point:
Within the Hebrew Bible, the first place one comes across the phrase son of man is in Book of Numbers 23:19:
- ?? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ????? ???? ??? ??????
- God is not a man (??? : ['iysh]), that he should lie,
- Nor a son of man (??–??? : [ben-'adam]), that he should repent:
- Has he said, and will he not do it?
- Or has he spoken, and will he not make it good?
The deity of Jesus would seem questionable.
Personally, I think the scriptures have been tampered with over such a long period of time we have, today, a bible which includes 2 entirely different viewpoints about the personhood of Jesus.
Jesus seemed to go out of his way to represent himself as entirely HUMAN (Son of Man).
I think later accretions went back and doctored, where possible, the language to include deity.
What's your opinion?