How about somebody phoning Brooklyn and ask if it's ok to participate in the parent teachers ,board of governers meetings at the local school especially when they are planning the nativity for christmas and organizing a birthday collection for one of the prominent members.Also is it ok to engage with the interfaith meetings around Easter time.
by badboy 26 Replies latest jw friends
edmond dante:
Not sure what that has to do with anything. A JW would obviously not participate in the holiday stuff. The interfaith question was just silly.
S4 -
Seeker, lets not draw lines needlessly here. When I was in, based on my understanding of the "truth," I would have been "stumbled" by getting involved at council meetings and the like. That's the only point I'm making.
Too bad no ex jws were present to object to the jws objection on the grounds that he's a jw and, as such, is not entitled to an opinion.
I think the jws are inconsistent. They used to counsel me for the most stupid reasons imaginable, but didn't bat an eye when I got a job in the legislature working for one of the caucuses, and later joined the party.
edmond dantes
Seeker 4,
It was meant to be silly in order to make the point.
I was just trying to make the point that for someone who is a JW getting involved with a school around here you would have to be open to many religious participations because of the many Church of England and Catholic schools that there are. The state run ones also have coordination with the local Cof E vicar.
During my time spent on the local church council a few years ago it was our local Cof E priest who requested volunteers for the local school board of governers.If a JW attended a governers meeting he would be asking to be excused more times than he participated.
Think of all the times he would have to vote on whether to hold a charity fund raising event and be expected to attend extra curricular activity.J.dubs won't even socialise, most of the time , over a cup of coffee if you are not in the truth.
If you could get a show of hands at the Kingdom Hall ask how many would be prepared to volunteer for school duties then see how many raise and how many would look horrified.
If the big brothers in Brooklyn didn't come up with the doctrine of seperation from the world we wouldn't even be having this debate.
From the responses on here, I think there would be a few others stumbled as well!
I was definitely a liberal elder who had to be shown something was definitely wrong before I'd do anything. I remember a couple coming to me concerned about oral sex. They liked it, but felt guilty. Even as an elder I told them, "It's been a common practice for thousands of years, and the Bible says NOTHING about it. Do what you want and don't feel guilty. You'll never see me taking any action on it as an elder."
Stumbling was always a word I had trouble with. Almost ANYTHING you did you could get counseled on that you "might stumble" someone. It was a concept that allowed the elders to stick their noses into anything they wanted, all on the guise of protecting the flock from being "stumbled."
In many ways, lots of Witnesses are like "spiritual babies," getting "stumbled" over this and over that. I'm not saying this about your comment, just that it was an incredibly judgmental thing, having a lot to do with rules and regulations and each person's interpretation of them and almost nothing to do with Christian freedom and spirituality. It's part of what made being a Witness a suffocating experience.
I remember sitting in on discussions because one sister was stumbled at another's slit in her skirt at a CA, or because some brother was wearing a knotted bracelet, or because a brother's hair was a little long or on and on and on. High control groups with lots of rules like the Witnesses breed an atmosphere of judging and repression among the members.
edmond dante - Your points are well taken. Our schools here don't mix much religion unless they are established by a religion and are not public schools.
S4 -
wha happened?
This topic is just silly. A big overstatement about nothing. There is nothing about holidays or politics over a building being built. Stop giving the borg a reason to say those who are out are out of their minds.