I'm always interested in seeing a good movie , anything out there that really rocked your world , please share.....
what movies do you recomend
by heathen 65 Replies latest jw friends
Low-Key Lysmith
The Proposition-Written by Nick Cave of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. He did the soundtrack as well, naturally. Stars Guy Pierce. Awsome Australian western.
The Heartbreak Kid- Crude comedy starring Ben Stiller. Pretty crass, but if you're not offended by crude humor, it's a riot!
Cloverfield- Camera work is pretty shaky, but otherwise a cool idea.
Beowulf- I really liked this one. If you can find a copy in 3-D, it's worth the effort. Great animation. Cool characters.
City of God- One of the best films I've ever seen. If you don't speak Portuguese, you'll have to rely on subtitles though.
I should add I hate sub titles .Maybe I'll share some of my faves , blade runner , raiders of the lost ark, star wars ,spiderman,Godfather,10 commandments,matrix,the mummy , gladiator ,forest gump ,raging bull .
The Kite Runner - brilliant . The Diving bell and the butterfly both of these films are based on books of the same title and have subtitles but are worth it.
Juno very good film no subtitiles
Mr. Brooks - It's the most suspenseful and captivating movie I have seen in years. I'd compare it to a few episodes of of "Dexter" mixed w/ some "Law and Order: SVU" topped off w/ a splash of "Rear Window".
The Gladiator
Did you need to ask?
I recommend city of God too....amazing film
The Game with Michael Douglas
Perfect Stranger with Bruce Willis and Halle Berry
Reign Over Me Adam Sandler--kind of sad, kind of funny, very heavy
Big Tex
Newer movies, I'd recommend: Juno, Across the Universe or 21 (if you like a modern take on the old Rat Pack-style)
No Country for Old Men
There Will Be Blood