A couple more I can think of are , lord of war, water world,risky business , Top Gun , saving private ryan ,apollo 13 ,brave heart, cable guy, ace ventura , austin powers, the island, I also like some gore like , texas chainsaw masacre, hostel, silence of the lambs ,some woody allen movies , sleeper, manhattan . I'm thinking of them as I go ...... keep em coming people...
what movies do you recomend
by heathen 65 Replies latest jw friends
Just saw Iron Man, I thought it was great.
and now for something completely different.
1- Bad Boy Bubba
2-Opera-..by Dario Argento
3- A Clockwork Orange
4-Lost Highway- David Lynch
5-Irreversible...by Gaspar Noe
The Heartbreak Kid, Superbad, Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, No Country For Old Men, The Mist, The Assassination of Jesse James.
Any of Woody Allen's early stuff.
The Persuit of Happiness - a brillaint movie based on a true story starring Will Smith.
Hotel Rawanda - again based on a true story - a movie about ethnic cleansing.
The Great Debaters
wha happened?
any Will Ferrill movie, and best of all, my favorite gay erotica.......Top Gun
The Gods Must Be Crazy - will show you something commonplace from another perspective
Donny Darko - It could take a couple viewings to wrap your head around this
Fargo - how whacked can some people get?
Wedding Singer - one of Adam Sandler's best, a 1985 period piece -
Chrisjoel- you are the only person I've ever read that liked , lost highway , I thought it was great .Donny darko I did like , no country for old men - wasn't that good I thought over rated one of those if I'd only known ahead of time that it wasn't that good I'd have rented something else .
Fargo was awesome!!! So is O Brother Where Art Thou.
My favorite part of Fargo is when Frances McDormand asks the guy "Is that your friend there in the woodchippah?"
It did kinda make you feel bad about laughing so much. Darkest humor I've ever seen, but it was great.