No Country for Old Men There Will Be Blood------- seen those didn't care for it . You'll have mentioned some I haven't heard much about or at all . Been very disappointed in my rentals of late .That's why the thread and believe me if you recommend crap you can expect a pm ..... HE HE
what movies do you recomend
by heathen 65 Replies latest jw friends
ninja city of god....if you don't like it....I'll be nice to nvr
I have just seen The Golden Compass & Iron Man.
Both worth watching.
HEATHEN- A few of my favorites are:
Spanglish - with Adam Sandler
Reign Over Me - with Adam Sandler ( I agree MOMZ!
The Green Mile - with Tom Hanks
In the Bedroom- with Sissy Spacek
The Mothman Prophecies- with Richard Gere
Falling Down- with Michael Douglas
American Beauty- with Kevin Spacey
The Big Kahuna - with Kevin Spacey & Danny Devito
Black Snake Moan- Samuel Jackson & Christina Ricci
Borat- Sasha Bara Cohen
Lots of others I like , but those are a few I highly recommend ! Have fun ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper -
Let's see what else did I like that I've seen --- LOTR , Apocalypse now,room 1408 , Right at your door,Rendition, cinderella man,V,1984,road to perdition,misery,silver bullet,mad max,lethal weapon , die hard. for some classics tho I like the bogart genre and the charlton heston movies .
Wordly Andre
The Dreamers, Juno, Saved, Breaking the Waves, Liam, The Woman in Black, Angelas Ashes, and Garden State.
What do you like?
I like movies that are difficult to figure out clear up until the very end. --Then you want to watch them again immediately
Arlington Road
The Prestige
The Sixth Sense
In Bruges Very dark comedy with Collin Farrell due for release on DVD June 24 excellent movie that almost no one saw.
Low-Key, Isn't "Cloverfield" a remake os the Andromeda Strain or am I getting it mixed up?
I learned a long time ago not to recommend movies to friends and family. Too many times they've come back and said, "what the hell..."
The Godfather. Love the whole series of movies. Al Pacino, Talia Shire, and Marlon Brando. What a cast.